Chapter One - The King Of Creation

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It was early evening, and up in a small bedroom, in a small house, lived a very small family. In the house lived Laia, a blonde twelve year old, Dylan, her nine year old brother, and their mom and dad who were out working. Laia was upstairs in Dylan's messy bedroom reading to her brother. "The two dragons entered the palace. And then suddenly they heard a voice." Laia read aloud. Dylan sighed and scratched his dark brown hair. "What's wrong? Don't you like the story?" The older sister asked.
"Why can't anything like that happen to us? Barely anything amazing happens to us." He sighed.
"Something special will happen to us, we just have to wait for it to come." Laia assured, she then continued reading. "Anyway, they heard a voice-"
"Laia... Dylan..." a deep voice called in the atmosphere, it sounded very powerful.
"The book is coming alive!" Gasped Dylan in shock, clinging to his sister.
"No it's not. Maybe that voice is trying to speak to us. Who are you, sir?"
"I am your father, the King Of Creation! I created the earth, the sun, and even you two." The voice explained.
"A real king?" Asked Dylan, sounding astonished.
"Yes Dylan, I would like to show you both something. But you must have faith in me."
"Okay. Where are we going?" Asked Laia,
"To the place where everything is perfect. Close your eyes!" He told the children. They shut there eyes, and when they did, they felt amazing, every negative word, thought or action they'd ever known was gone, they felt totally fearless. Also, their skin was smooth, their hair was clean and shiny... they were perfect. The two of them opened their eyes, and when they did, they got the most amazing surprise in the world. They looked around, they were in a massive garden, there were trees and plants as far as the eye could see, also, in the distance was a massive stone palace. It was daytime and the sun was blazing hot, but they weren't sweating.
"Wow..." whispered Dylan,
"Where are we?" Wondered Laia. The King suddenly spoke again,
"At the garden of Brissia."
The wavy haired girl suddenly looked down at her clothes; she wasn't in her pajamas anymore... She was wearing a puffy, beige dress with light pink frills on the edges and sleeves. Her brother then looked at his clothes, he was wearing a black suit.
"Wow! We look like royalty!" Beamed Dylan,
"Because if our father is the King Of Creation, we are Prince and Princess!" Realised Princess Laia.
"You two can live in Brissia's palace and eat every fruit in this garden."
"Yes!" Squealed Prince Dylan.
"However..." his voice turned serious, "You must not cross the gate."
The two kids turned to look at a black gate in the far distance.
"Where does the gate open to?" Wondered the young prince.
"To the kingdom of Andsaca, if you go there things will not be good."
"Oh..." mumbled Dylan.
"Anyway, thanks for letting us stay here." Smiled the twelve year old.
The voice suddenly faded off into the distance. After a few seconds of silence, the nine year old spoke,
"Hey Princess, race you to the palace!" He pointed, dashing ahead.
"I'll get you, little Prince!" She laughed, running after her brother.
They ran past thornless rose bushes, butterflies, trees and bushes that grew different fruits, and even a few deer. Suddenly, Prince Dylan froze as he came across a crystal clear, glistening lake. It was so clear that you could see the many types of fish swimming around in it.
"Let's go for a swim!" Grinned the boy, just as Laia walked over to him, Dylan jumped in the lake, splashing his sister with water.
"Hey!" Princess Laia folded her arms, she jumped into the water and swam after him. "I'll get you for that little brother!" She promised, she dived underwater and surprised him by picking him up as she resurfaced. "Gotcha!" She called in victory, "Come on your highness, don't you want to see the palace?" She asked.
"Yeah, yeah!" Dylan bounced. The prince and the princess of Brissia climbed up to the edge of the lake. They were about to dry off their clothes, but because everything was perfect, their clothes weren't wet or heavy at all. They continued running towards the palace.

The King Of Creation - Princess Laia And Prince DylanWhere stories live. Discover now