방탄 2

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Watch Out For Typos And Grammar Errors..

Happy Reading ^~^----

Hyejin Pov

I have enter the dinning room at the count of 3

Wew new record

/*clap* *clap/

I see other maid is preparing the breakfast

Let me see what is it





Owh... No much

" Miss "

" Uh.. Yeah.. "

" You have 20 minutes and 28 seconds for breakfast and 4 minutes to prepare for your study "

" Wait... What is wrong with the seconds?? "

" I'll explain to you miss "

That maid again!!!

" Okay.. "

" You took 5 minutes to wake up and you took 1 minutes and 2 seconds to prepare yourselves and again you took half minute to enter this dinning room , your mom asked us to make you study at 6.30 so 60 - 32 = 28 . The conclusions you have waste 1 minute to ask me and you have to finish breakfast in 19 minutes 28 seconds "

For honest I don't even know what is she talking about..

/Just okay it/

" Okay.. "

The breakfast have passed with chaos that I create ,cause they put A FREAKING STOPWATCH INFRONT OF ME!!!
Now I prepare my things for 3 minutes and walk to my library for 1 minutes

And guess what?! It is exactly 6.30

I'm tired for god sake

/Someone is calling me/


/Maybe no.. T~T/

Note: Don't say god

/I know it!! Someone called me/


/Wrong way/


" Miss Kim, Miss Lee have arrived "

" Okay.. Btw where is mom? "

" Miss Ahn is going to the mall with her friends "

Cih.. Having fun without me

" oOoO "

The days just past like that and now is the time for exam

" Honey, Do well at your exam " Mom said

" Nde " I answered her as I take a bread

" Sweety " Dad said

" Yes, Dad "

Remember to be polite

" You know right "

" What " Trying to be rude

" What will happened if you failed your exam "

" I know "

" Good then, now go to your school "

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