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Hyejin Pov

Keep calm....

Keep calm...

Breath in...

Breath out.....



For information I'm using my poker face

" Hmm.. So you are the new trainee ?? " He asked me

" Uh.. Eh.. Nde "

" Haha Don't be nervous, what is your name ?? "

" My name is Kim Hyejin "

" Age ? "

" 16 sir "

" Quite Young... Can you please show me what can you do ?? "

" Sure "

I start to dance. Freestyle dance without music

I'm nervous af

" Okay, Impressive... What can you do more ? "

" Yes... I can sing and act "

" Try to sing while acting out your emotions "

I start to sing ailee - heaven

I start to absorb the music
The lyrics, the melody, the emotions

I sing like there is nothing else to do in this world

When I finish singing
I open my eyes and look around

Okay.. This awkward

Suddenly Park Jinyoung and Hyunbin start to clap

My cheeks are heated, probably it's already red as tomato

" I know there is more about you "

" Uh... "

" Introduce yourselves please "

Fuck What must I say
Aish!! Just go with the flow

" Anyeonghaseyo choneun Kim Hyejin-imnida. I'm 16 years old. I can Sing,Dance,act, a little bit rap, I also can control my expression very well. I'm from US. I can speak 8 languanges such as korean, english, france, thailand, chinese, cantonese, bahasa, japanese.
I also can play instruments such as piano, violin, guitar, flute. Oh! I also study ballet for 7 years "

I don't know that my study life for 16 years can be useful

For this reason I may thankful to my parents

" Seems Like you are a dilligent girl "

I will not if my parents don't force me to do it

" What is your rank in the previous school ? " he asked me again

" Sometimes 2nd and sometimes 1st "

" Hyunbin you have found an awesome girl "

My cheeks are heated once again

" You right sir " he said as he looks at me

" well I can't lose my chance, I would congrats you to be a new JYP family member and start from today you are an official trainee "

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