Inside His Mind

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You sat quietly in the hospital room. Nothing to do, nothing to say.

Ross's P.O.V (WHAAA?!?!)

This room, this empty dark room, is like a bad dream. Darkness, light, hallucinations, I see them all in this room. But all turns out to be bad; to make me sad. Memories and things that make me jealous come into vision all the time.

Oh look, here's a new one coming into sight.

It's y/n... And she's coming towards me. She looks... Happy.

"Come on Ross! Let's build a sandcastle!" She says.

The earth around turns into a beach with just a flash off a white light. I can even hear the ocean waves, just like when we were on our date. I'm sitting on a towel.

"Come on Ross!" She grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"I'll go get the water!" She says.

I sit down in the sand and start pilling it into a mountain. But the grains just fall back to where they were before. I try again and again, but they won't budge. I sigh. I lean back and listen to the beach sounds. The ocean hitting the rocks, children's laughter as they run through the sand, seagulls chirping while they hope to get fed extra chips. They're all pleasant and relaxing sounds. But they all get inturupted. A deathly scream rings in my ears. I shot up and searched around.

'Wait... Where's y/n?! She should be back with the water by now!'

I turn around and see her, she's screaming in terror. Y/n's in deep waters, why did she go so far out?

"Ross help! Help Ross!" She screams.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

A fin pops out of the water. She screams some more.

"Stay calm," I yell "I'm going to get help!"

I look around. But now the beach is empty. No one playing on the beach or in the shops. Just y/n and I. There's nothing to help with either. A loud high pitch scream rings in my ears again.


I spun around and saw her crying. Tears falling into the see, forever lost. A squel of pain comes from her mouth. A red colour surounds her.


I go to put my arm out, but a force holds it shut. I am forced to watch my girl friend, my one true love, die in front of my eyes. I want to scream out but I can't do anything, except to watch.

"Ross?" She questions as she takes her last breath.

She gets taken under. Leaving a red patch, blood, behind. I can feel my body shaking on the inside.

"It was your fault." Her voice echoed through my mind.

I am able to move and I collapse to the ground in horror, on my knees. My eyes tear up.

"No, no it wasn't. I'm sorry." I cried. My tears dropped onto the sand, leaving wet dots on the sand.

"It was your fault! You could've saved me." Anger filled her voice.

"No, no no no..." My voice gets higher but softer.

I look up and see her floating in the sky. She has a ghost like appearance; she is a ghost. Her arm ripped off, showing the bone. Her bathers drenched in blood and tear stains on her cheeks.

"It's your fault."

She faded away. I stand up, still crying.


No answer, just the sound of the ocean. I sit down and cry. And cry.. And cry. Then I think.

"I'm coming with you."

I stand, and walk into the oceans. With my last breath, I say,

"I love you y/n. And I always will."

It goes black, back to the room where I sit and wait for the next hallucination to happen.


(A/n, well that was depressing... Hello! I'm actually really sick rn 😷😖 I feel like shit, especially cause it's 3:30am and I want to die. Ugh. Anyways,

You don't judge me, I don't judge you.


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