v. Boyfriend?

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So last night was wonderful. It was more than wonderful if Maya was honest.

Obviously, she had been on dates before but this one... was really important to her.

This was with the person who was her life partner.

But.. Something in her mind just kept hammering her with doubts.


Riley snapped her fingers in front of Maya's eyes to bring her back from her thoughts so they could finally finish the project her dad had assigned them.

"Umm... sorry, Riley."

"It's okay, peaches. After a romantic night out, some casual day dreaming is completely normal."

Riley winked as she said that and Maya looked down.

Well, last night was really romantic and her mind wandered back to the kiss. Again.

Lucas had initiated it. Obviously. She was too shy to do that and a little guarded from him too.

It wasn't a passionate steamy kiss. It was a very gentle one. Of course, they were not going to have a make out session on their first date.

It was sweet and kind of dreamy. Both of them had given into it and he'd moved his lips smoothly against hers.

After they pulled apart, Maya had immediately missed the softness of his lips but she had managed to keep that thought off her expressions.

Or at least she thought she had.

Maya's phone beeped and flashed a notification of a message.

It was from Lucas.

Her palms got sweaty and she bit her lips, kind of nervous about what he had sent.

"Hey, May. Listen. Umm... I know this is a really big thing and it's only been a day since you told me but my parents want to see you. Can you come for dinner at my place tomorrow?"

Maya's eyes widened with shock. Was he being for real, right now?

"What is it?" Riley chirped beside her.

"Lucas wants me to come for dinner at his place tomorrow!"

"Like, with his family?"

Maya gave her a 'duh' look at that and she understood the answer.

"Wow, that's huge." Riley stated the obvious.

"I know." That came out as a light whisper but Maya was sure Riley heard it.

This was huge. Meeting a guy's family? That was really huge.

But Maya could do it. She had to do it.

Maybe, this was Lucas' way of showing that he was serious about this. About them.

She calmed down at that thought and she was just a little more positive about this.

She held up her phone, took a deep breath and typed an answer to his question.

"Yeah okay."

It sounded more casual than she intended it to but there was nothing she could come up with, except for that.

"Yeah okay?"
Riley questioned with a snort.

"What else would I say? 'No! I'm a chicken and have very low self esteem to meet my boyfriend's parents?' No, thank you. I'm not going to mess it all up."

Riley just laughed at that and Maya's thoughts stuck on one thing she said or rather, one word.


Both of them knew where this was going to lead them. They were going to end up married. And so, it didn't matter what they called each other because at the end of the day, they were going to be together.

Sure, they had gone on a date but they weren't really official.

He hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend but yet, he was inviting her to his place for dinner and to meet his parents.

Maybe he was taking it as something that wasn't really required or he was planning something really special the next day to propose her.

The latter seemed both likely and unlikely at the same time. Their first date was so special so maybe this proposal would be very special too and unlikely because, he had straight up asked her to meet his parents and it didn't really feel like he was going to ask her out after that.

Her phone beeped again and it was another text from Lucas.

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow ;)"

Maya smiled a little as she saw the wink following the sentence. It was kinda cute. It made her thoughts a little lighter.

But as her eyes moved above to the texts exchanged before that, she noticed something.

He had called her May.
He had given her a nickname.

Okay, she was eighteen. Not fourteen. But she still blushed at that.

When had he even kept that nickname for her?

Now, she was confused.

Did she also have to have a nickname for him? Well, she had ideas for those but....

What were they now?


A/N : Kind of a filler chapter but the questions and their status is kinda important and you'll see why, in the next chapter.

And thank you loves for the comments.

I'm glad you are enjoying this story. Umm.. 35 votes for the next chapter?


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