viii. Goodbye?

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Maya brushed her hair one last time before pouncing on her bed, ready to sleep. Although, she knew sleep wouldn't reach her.

Lucas was leaving tomorrow morning and he said that he'd settled with the fact that he won't meet for days and couldn't bear the pain of saying goodbye again.

So at senior prom, when the school pretty much knew who was with who because almost everyone had gotten their birthday 'surprises', he'd finally asked her to be his girlfriend.

Senior Prom was organised beautifully, with the theme of - Knight in shining Armour and hence, all the decorations were there to give a fairytale like feel to the hall.

Maya remembered she'd forgotten to compliment Riley about the arrangements since she was the President of the Cultural Events Committee and was definitely the most excited for the evening.

However, Maya wasn't too keen on this night arriving so soon because... she had very obvious reasons.

The was nothing extravagant and she liked it this way. While they were dancing to the soft slow music in the background and joking around, he'd asked her to come out.

Since the prom wasn't on ground floor, they went out in the balcony and stood there for a couple of minutes and Maya could sense his nervousness.

She almost snorted, trying to control her laughter but considering Lucas was busy with his deep breaths, she was sure he hadn't heard her.

And under the vivid night sky, he held both of her hands and said,


"Yes, Huckleberry?" She said with the widest grin.

"Huckleberry?" He said, almost distracted.

"What? You can keep nicknames for me and I can't? And anyway, I've decided to acknowledge your very amusing Texan heritage."

Lucas looked at her and then shook his head, trying to concentrate.

"Maya, as cheesy and unprepared this may look, since I had to lower down my plans to this because of my absence for the rest of this month-"

If he thought that this wasn't enough, he obviously didn't know how much the other guys Maya had dated did for her.

"Lucas, nobody has ever done so much for me."

"And I'll make sure nobody except me ever does."

Maya saw Lucas flash his most genuine smile and immediately felt grateful for having him. He'd started making up for his mistakes in the past.

"Only if you give me the opportunity to do so by bestowing upon me the great honour of being your boyfriend."

She laughed a little as she considered his fancy proposal.

"Umm... I don't know..," She knew she was just messing with Lucas and she supposed he knew too but the look he had on his face, made her think otherwise. What? Did he expect her to say no?

"Honour Bestowed, Huckleberry! You seriously need to chill out."

"Well, I don't think anyone has ever taught me to do that."

Something clicked in Maya's mind and she stepped a little close and smirked before whispering,

"And I'll make sure no one except me ever does."

Lucas looked at her with a serious look at first but within a matter of seconds, both of them were giggling.

A smile crept to her lips accompanied by a blush, at the fond memory of the night.

It was going to be difficult for both of them to sustain a comfortable relationship while Lucas would be in Texas and she knew that he was aware of that too.

One thing Maya had realised because of the whole drama was to stop expecting so much from Lucas, instead she should let him surprise her.

She'd seen the constant pressure of his father was already hard to keep up for him and in the long run, Maya didn't want to add anymore to that pile.

David Friar, Maya always saw him as a distant man but she knew he was far from villainous. Only if she could talk to him once, she thought, maybe it could help Lucas.

".. but I hope he tells you."

Maya replayed those words in her head. Something must have happened a while back for him to be like that or maybe it was a part of his personality. That was a little hard to believe for her though, since his wife was such a ray of sunshine.

She remembered Sandra's hug when she went to their house and maybe it was just her and her over analysing brain but it seriously felt like Sandra knew her and had been waiting to meet her since very long.

There were so many things in the Friar family she wanted to clear out but it was difficult for they were all leaving tomorrow.

And then her mind, after a big circle, came back to Lucas. A long distance relationship isn't the hardest thing if two people have feelings for each other but in this case, just after things had started being right, a goodbye was going to separate them.


A/N : Filler chapter... well not really. This is like a preparatory chapter for the future. And I'm sorry that reading about what goes on in Maya Penelope Hart's mind is a little boring to read..

But anyway, thanks for the very kind response and support! I love you guys so much!

..and.. umm 115 votes for next chapter? I promise that will be better than this one


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