Chapter 18

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And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me

When Luke wakes up, the reality of still being alive hits him hard. Why is he still here?

Why am I breathing? Where am I?

He closes his eyes tightly and gasps as soon as a hand touches his arm. Luke's eyes fly open.

"Hey, it's okay." A voice murmurs softly. Luke's chest rises up and down quickly, and a panic attack makes its way into him.

It's Zack. Zack is touching me. Zack, Zack, Za--

"Luke, it's me!" Hands are shaking his shoulders. Luke shakily gasps for air and sees blurry green eyes and red hair.

"Lukey, it's Michael. It's Mikey." Luke starts crying as he realizes it is Michael.

Luke starts to stutter, "M-m--"

"Shh, it's okay." Luke feels strong arms embrace him, and he does nothing but sob. They stay like that for a while. Luke is craddled in between Michael's arms while Michael rocked him back and forth. He's whispering You're okay in Luke's ear. Luke softly whimpers and squeezes himself closer to Michael's body.

After an hour of staying in the same position, Luke reacts as soon as a thought races into his head. He pushes Michael away.

"...didn't Michael tell you?" Zack asks innocently.

"Luke, You're safe. He's not gonna bother you anymore." Michael explains as he tries to reach out for his blonde beauty.

...he knows many things about you.

"What do you know about me?" Luke asks. His blue eyes have red veins around it, and they're demanding answers. Michael can only clench his jaw and look away.

"It's complicated--" Michael starts, but Luke interrupts him with a painful groan.

"Don't you see?!" He lets more tears pour. "Don't you see I've suffered enough? I need to know the truth! Zack said you knew things about me! Tell me."

Michael furrows his eyebrows and watches Luke breathe heavily. He has his hands into fists, and they're shaking from desperation. Michael brings his own hands to his face and rubs his own eyes.

"It's a lot to take in, Luke." He warns, "Are you sure?"

Luke chews on his lower lip. He calms down and sits beside Michael.


Michael sighs and faces his blondie.

"I felt you." He begins. Luke's face twists in conflict. "The mark I gave you establishes a connection between us." Michael clarifies, and Luke relaxes.

"When I marked you, you were officially my soul to other demons. I didn't tell you that only the devil himself had the power to touch you because the ritual wasn't fully completed."

"The devil? As in..?" Luke timidly points to the ground.

"Yes," Michael confirms with a small smile. Luke is so cute. "that's why Zack could touch you. Lucifer gave him the power for it."

Luke shivers visibly.

"I know things about you because your last name is well known."

Luke tilts his head to a side. Michael pulls him closer and cuddles him.

"This is gonna be hard to process so just hear me out first," Michael looks at Luke in the eye, "okay?" Luke swallows thickly and nods.

Michael takes a deep breath in, "The whole story about Lucifer being a fallen angel is true. Also the part of him fighting against his brother is true, too. The older brother named Michael, my namesake, was ordered to put Lucifer in a cage as a punishment for not respecting the humans."

"You are named after an angel?" Luke asks incredulously.

"That's a story to tell in another time." Michael kisses Luke's hair. "The reason I'm telling you about this is because your last name is a bloodline that goes all the way back to the Michael."

Before Luke could protest, Michael left a kiss on his lips.

"Your blood is enemy blood to Lucifer. Your ancestors, your parents, the whole Hemmings family is targeted by him. He hasn't gotten over his defeat." Michael finishes. Luke shakes his head in denial.

"No, my parents lived happily. Had me and two other children. Why is it me?"

"Luke," Michael noses his cheek, "you were the youngest. You're right. Your mother and father had a great life, but Lucifer sent Zack to get the youngest son to torture your parents and then kill you."

Luke opens and closes his mouth like a fish. "No."

"Lucas." Michael rolls his eyes.

"I can't be..part of a..." Luke widen his eyes in shock.

"I'm sorry." The red haired punk apologizes. Michael knew that by telling the truth, he was going to fuck something up. He broke another rule, but he rather break it than leave an upset Luke. Now, Michael can feel the rejection coming.

What startles him is Luke hugging him and whispering, "Thank you."

Michael hums in confusion. His blonde beauty is thanking him?

"You have no idea how it is to live in the dark." Luke says as he buries his face at the crook of Michael's neck. "No one tells you what's wrong. It's like you're not worth knowing these things because you get in their way."

"Baby..." Michael murmurs. Luke feels butterflies erupt in his body and suddenly he straddles Michael. Michael raises a questioning eyebrow until Luke surges forward and kisses him hard.

"I," Luke said in between pecks, "really," kiss "really, really," kiss "like you." Kiss.

Michael smiles and grips Luke's hips.



Finals are coming up and I'm ready to die

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Have a cool day 💜

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