After all this?!

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A/N: thanks to everyone who commented. I may not have as many readers as before, but you guys are more than worth it. Enjoy.

As we continued down the road, Pete started acting weird. Hes been bitter towards me for days, but this was different. He kept glaring at me through the rear view mirror. And when I'd try to talk, he'd cough really loudly.

It was starting to really bug me. I didn't know what had happened between two the car breaking down, and now that would've made him so hateful.

Maybe it was the kiss between me and Michael. Did he have a thing for him? Or was it because me liking Michael is what started this whole thing.

Either way it didn't matter. Me and Henri decided to blare some Seether. As it played, me and Michale jammed in the back seat. While Pete and Henri whispered in the front seat.

I had a bad feeling. What if they turned on me. What if they got their revenge on Dylan, and me? I started to get really nervous. Even if I tried to fight against them, I probably couldn't. It was three against one.

We continued down the road. We'd finally made it into Ohio, and we're on our way to Columbus.

Pete pulled into a gas station and we all got out to stretch out muscles, eat and use the restroom.

I walked into the speedway, and walked over to the freezers. I went through the contents and found a small bottle of monster, and grabbed a reeses cup. I stood at the counter and paid. Before I could walk out, Henri grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back in. She walked me over to the back. "Hey, Saddie... Um, well... Okay so I need to run a few things by you. For one, Michael and Pete are grabbing the stuff we need for the plan, and... About you and Michael... Could you try and tone it down whenever Pete's around?" She said, concern flooding her chubby features.

I nodded in confusion. "Yeah, sure... But... Why?" I asked.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Um... I uh... I can't... It's not my place to say anything." She said. "Sorry Sadds." She said again.

"Yeah, okay... Yeah. Let's go. C'mon." We walked back out to the car, and me and Michael shared a look. Did Pete say something to him too?

In the car, there was no music playing anymore. We were in Grove City. Which is the suburbs of Columbus. We were so close. So close to a lot of things.

Close to old memories.

Close to a forgotten me.

Close to an old home.

Close to revenge.

Close to closure.


I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck sticking up. I had goosebumps crawling up my arms and legs. My heart beat quickened. My face felt a drip of sweat run down my forehead.

We were now in Columbus Ohio. My Birth place. My hometown.

I can't help the feeling in my chest. The nervous yet exciting feeling. The most amazing feeling.

As we drive through downtown, my blood boils. Not only am I excited. I'm so angery.

God dammit Dylan. You ruined everything. Everything. And now... We will ruin you.

* * *

As we pull into Dylan's old driveway, the feeling does not subside. But increases. We all get out and walk up to the front door. We knock. His parents should be home.


We knock again.


I'm confused now. They've never up and left in the middle of the night. They've never gone out of town for more than a few hours. They didn't trust Dylan alone over night. And they'd have posted online about them being gone if they'd went somewhere and I had been over their page three times through to make sure that wouldn't be the case.

I checked my phone. It was 7:00 in the morning.

Fuck it. I didn't drive all the way up here to turn around. I busted the front window, and unlocked it.

I pushed the window open and climbed through. Everyone stayed quiet. I unlocked the front door, and let them in.

Pete held a black duffel bag full of the 'required equipment'. And we made our way up stairs. It was eerily quiet. I went upstairs. I checked Dylan's room first.


Then I went across the hall to check his parents room.


What. the. Fuck.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was beyond Pissed.

"Saddie?" A voice said from down the stairs. "You might wanna com down here..." It was Michael. He sounded serious. He'd found them.

I raced down the stairs. My blood on fire. My heart racing. My head pounding. My throat dry. My hair sweaty.

As I reached the bottom step, I found the very most unexpected thing.

My mind felt udderly tricked. Completely gone. Stumped.

"Hello, Mercedes. I've been expecting you." He said.

It was Firkle.




Yeah I know, short Ass chapter. Nah bad cx sue me. Lol




Love you all. Night.

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