Chapter 8

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In the sky, there are no stars.

Well, not where I was walking anyway. It was raining, and all I had to keep me dry was a thin waterproof jacket, which was no match for the violent downpour that consumed everything it touched.

It's like the universe was mirroring my mood.

I was the only one on the street. Though my hood was up, my hair was irredeemably wet and hung around my head in clumps, little droplets of water drip dripping onto my nose and face. I couldn't feel it at that second, but I was sure that the rain had soaked through my trainers down to my socks. I would be squelching with every step at any given moment.

I'm sure I looked like something out of a music video.

A few more steps and I would be there. I could already see her, sitting on a soaked bench and wearing an outfit equal to my own in deficiency. She didn't notice the rain, though. She was staring into space.

I attempted in wringing out my clumps of dark hair and advanced towards the bench. After about 5 seconds of silent  standing in front of her, I sat down at on the opposite side of it, as far away from her as possible.

I spoke first, after about two minutes, "Kenny told me you were here. I'll be honest and say that I have no idea what to say to you right now."

She turned to me slowly. Her face was naked and innocent, brown eyes red and puffy. Her bright pink hood shielded most of her hair but was a shade darker and weighed down with rain. Little droplets of water fell from the end of her thin nose. She managed to look beautiful even when crying and soaking wet. But it was different now.

"I don't know what you want from me, Cassy." I started, "but I'm not a pr*ck. I wont leave you, not tonight."

She suddenly leapt into my arms and sobbed quietly. I gave her my warmth in return, acknowledging the fact that in this moment, I wasn't her awkward ex who avoided her at all costs. I was just someone, and boy, did she need just someone at that moment.

I had no idea what would happen tomorrow, but I didn't let it bother me. I just held her in my arms because she needed it, and because sometimes a soft pat on the back and an, "it's going to be okay" just won't suffice.


"You'll never believe what I just heard," Kenny exclaimed, bounding excitedly onto the couch in the living room. He'd entered from the kitchen with a facial expression of exclamation and confusion.

"Is Leona looking for a date to prom?" I asked sarcastically, my eyes averting back to the TV.

"Low blow, man," Kenny began, "I would have talked about this with Dante beforehand, but he isn't here, so I guess we'll have to cut out the middle man."

This caught my attention. Dante and Kenny only held secret meetings when it was a code green (reference the best friend handbook for code colour key), which wasn't code red, but still a bit iffy. I turned round to Kenny with expectant eyes.


"Well, I heard from Dana-"

"The one that has a crush on you?" I interrupted, chuckling. Dana also lived in the home, and had a giant crush on Kenny. It's just a pity that she was 10 years old and Kenny wasn't a cradle robber. He'd done all he could so far to deflect her feelings from him, to no avail. At least the personal chocolate deliveries had stopped. Maybe she ran out of money.

Kenny gritted his teeth, "maybe."

I grinned.

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