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Ivy pov

"Oh dear God. Get me out of here." I whisper to my self inside the girls bathroom.
This whole school is a living hell for me. Being 17 and still dark and a loner isn't a good way to make friends.
I laugh at my own stupid thoughts and sigh soon after. I grab my back pack and walk out of the bathroom. I'm halfway to class when I look out the mirror. That's when I see him.
His shirt white hair is blowing in the wind, and he keeps his hands on his uniform, a parade uniform, except this one is black and not the crazy colors you would normally see. He is staring at me with hazel eyes. I grown at myself, wondering how I knolew what color his eyes were. But I just knew. With the same frown he starts walking toward me. I stare at him and frown, thinking he would stop soon, considering there is a huge fucking wall. But he doesn't. He continues walking, then as he reaches the wall, he disappears.
I run to the window and look for him, but I don't see him anywhere.
I'm definitely hallucinating boys now. I think to myself as I run to class, ignoring the slurs that people throw at me when I get into class.

I lay on my bed, my laptop open, as I browse through Facebook. I read the latest hits on the band's I follow. I notice one joke about Anthrax and I laugh.
"You know, Anthrax is really good." a male voice chuckles behind me.
I jump and turn around, to see the same boy from school leaning against my wall.
"W..who are you?" I whisper, barely able to get any noise out.
"I'm Gerard." he says and smiles softly.
"Okay.. And who is.. Gerard?" I ask again.
"Uhm.. I am?" he says, as if he doesn't understand what I mean.
"But what are you? I saw you today. You fucking disappeared." I make an explosion motion with my hands.
"Oh. Right. I'm Gerard Way. Leader of the black parade. Phantom of the black parade.?" he says, as if he isn't quite sure.
"And why are you here?" I ask him bluntly.
"You know. You ask a lot of questions. You're really needy." he sighs, but smiles. "And I'm here because I want to save you." he smiles a devilish grin.
"Save me?" I laugh. "From what? Name callings? Beatings?"
"Yes." he sighs.
"Okay well. How do you plan on doing that?" I stare into his eyes.
Wow they are really pretty.
"You need sleep. I'll tell you more tomorrow." he smiles and walks to me.
"Sleep now, ivy."

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