33. still into you

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Melody's POV

"Hurry up, Styles" I laugh as I see Harry struggling with our bags as we head out the door.

"Did you pack the entire house?" He asks.

"Nah, only half of it. I left the refrigerator" I tease and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes at me and tosses the bags into the cab's trunk.

I chuckle and pick Darcy up in my arms.

"Stay safe!" Audrey, our new housekeeper, calls out from behind. Her red hair is tied into a messy bun at the top of her head and her working clothes fitted perfectly over her tall and quite fit body.

Harry amd I weighed our options on whether or not to sell the flat since one, it was where we spent four years of birthdays, Christmases, and holidays. Two, it was where Darcy grew up. Three, I loved Greece and I thought it was a wonderful idea to have a home here. Harry wouldn't always be on tour and it was only three hours away from London anyway. So we decided to hire a housekeeper.

"We'll call when we get there, okay?" I smile and hug her. She seems shocked at my sudden show of affection but hugs back anyway.

"Thank you for doing this, Audrey. Take care of this house, it means so much to the three of us" I smile.

"Of course ma'am" she smiles back.

"Call me Melody. Not Mrs. Styles or anything. I hate the formality thing" I chuckle. She nods and grins at Darcy.

"You have our numbers. Call us if anything goes wrong" I tell her. She nods and waves.

"Babe, you ready? Let's go" Harry calls from behind.

"Bye, Audwey!" Darcy says as she waves.

I say my final, no not totally final, goodbye to Audrey and our home. I take one last look at our flat before getting into the cab with Harry.

"Mum?" Darcy asks me as I buckle her seatbelt.


"Will we come back?" She asks, her face sulken.

"Of course, baby. Of course" I tell her and kiss her nose.

 - * - * -

Niall's POV

"Oh my gosh!" Perrie yells halfway across the airport as Harry, Melody, and Darcy come into view. Zayn laughs at the sight of his girfriend running in yellow high heels.

"Calm down, love. You'll see them, okay?" Zayn teases and Perrie scowls at him.

Harry's carrying Darcy in his arms. She's wearing a white butterfly sweater, jeans, pink combat boots, and a light pink beanie. Her hair flows freely down her shoulders.

"Melody!" Dani, Perrie, and Eleanor scream.

"Girls! Oh my gosh, I missed you all" she cries.

They all grab her into a bone crushing hug.

After being bombarded by 'how have you beens' and 'why the hell did you leave us' questions, they finally place their eyes on the little girl snuggled up in Harry's chest.

Liam, Louis, I, and Zayn stand there awkwardly but Liam is the first one to approach Harry.

"Well, Harold. Congrats! You found them, again" He greets cheerily.

"Thanks mate! Come here, lads" Harry signals for us to come nearer. Darcy's head is buried into Harry's neck.

"You remember her, right?" Harry teases.

"Yeah, we do" we chorus.

"Soph, these are your uncles" Harry says gesturing to the four of us. He points to me the last.

"Even me?" I ask, nervously.

He frowns but smiles.

"Yeah, even you Nialler" he says and we laugh.

"Come here, Niall" Harry signals for a hug and I respond back.

"I'm sorry. I won't take them away, ever" I whisper into his ear.

"I know you won't and I forgive you. No more awkwardness, okay?" He asks.

"Nope, no more lad" I chuckle and ruffle his curly hair.

"Daddy, I can't breathe" Darcy groans.

"Sorry" we say in unison.

Harry nods and gives me the permission to talk to Darcy.

"Hi, bug. Do you remember me? Well, if you don't I'm uncle Niall. You used to call me Ni ni" I explain, tears threatening to fall anytime.

Gosh, she was so lovely and Harry had them back for good. Somewhere in my head, I dreamed of having a daughter like her and a wife like Melody. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Because I was still helplessly and recklessly in love with Melody.

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