Chapter Six: Natalia

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“Honestly Richard, I can’t get used to it!”

“I know! It’s so surreal!”

“Damn…25ft tall in Times Square. I guess you could say I’ve made it?”

“I guess? You have!”

We were both standing there, gaping up at the almost ungodly photo of me as an Angel. Surreal was definitely the word to describe all of this. I hope I wasn’t about to wake up anytime soon.

Honestly, I think I’m a pretty attractive person, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I don’t think I’m the hottest bitch on Earth, but I think I have the right to be proud of myself and my body. So is it weird that I stopped to admire my ad for a minute or two? Still, there was an annoying little voice inside my head, nagging and nagging at me to just walk away from it. So I said,

“Come on Richard, we’ve got to go.”

As I walked down the street, I started to feel eyes following me almost everywhere I went. Of course, downtown the streets are crowded with millions of people, so people don’t really notice you for more than 2 seconds. However, as we continued down the streets, I started to feel quite a few pairs of eyes fixing upon me. Finally, I turned around (got shoved by a couple of people walking by) but noticed a group of girls who were probably in their early twenties, maybe even 18 or 19 giggling and occasionally looking at me. I strode over to them (Griffin’s right; shy is definitely not the word to use when describing me. At least, not anymore,) feeling pretty steamed, and said,

“Uh, is there a problem here?” They giggles died down and most of them started staring at their feet. One of them looked really freaked out. Oh yeah, did I mention I can be really intimidating when I’m mad?

“Oh no! Th-th-there’s no problem,” said the one that looked the oldest out of all of them. “It’s just that, we were walking downtown, and we saw your ad. And then we noticed you walking, and my friend over actually thought that you Angels actually walk around in your underwear and wings all the time.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. You have to admit, that’d be a pretty interesting thing to see. The friend she had pointed to suddenly lifted her head and faced me.

“But you’re actually really pretty.”

“Thank you!” Was this going to be a regular thing?

“How did you get so skinny?” Another one questioned.

“Photo shop can work wonders,” I replied.

“No way that’s photo shop. You look exactly the same as you did up there,” she said. “I wish I could lose that much weight.” She looked down.

“Trust me; I used to be in terrible shape. I’d eat McDonalds and ice cream, and watch soap operas all day long. But my personal trainer over here really helps me become a lot healthier. It was a really long, gruesome, but invigorating process.” I grabbed Richard’s arm and pulled him out from behind me.

“Hello ladies,” he said, showing them his dazzling smile.

“Oh my God, your accent is so boss!” The youngest looking one said.

“I know right?!” Of course, I tell Richard this most of the time.

“Why thank you,” he said. “Natalia, we’d better get going.”

“Oh shoot, you’re right. My mom is at home by herself. Uh, bye girls!”

“Bye!” They all chorused, waving me away. As we parted, I said to Richard,

“Is this going to be a regular thing? I mean, it’s only been a day since the photo shoot, and I’m already starting to feel like a celebrity!” I beamed. I couldn’t help but feel good about myself.

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