Don't Take My Love Away

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This is my first werewolf short story. Hope you enjoy


I was running in the forest as fast as I could, my paws digging into the earth. I looked behind me to see him getting closer. I looked ahead of me to see the river bank coming into view. I moved faster, I was almost there when suddenly I was knocked off my path by a body as we rolled around.

"Get of me!" I yelled

"Come on I’m just playing around" My brother Jayden said laughing

"But I was going to beat you!" I yelled at him through our mind link

"Nah I was letting you get that lead. You actually thought you could beat me?" He said shaking out his fur. I didn't say anything back as I trotted to the river to get something to drink. He came beside me, nuzzling my head" You’re not mad are you?' He asked. I knew he was just joking around but sometimes he had a way to make me feel weak and insignificant even if he didn't realize it. I shook my head as he got a drink of water. I smirked before pushing him in. “Hey!" he said reserving" I laughed rolling around in the dirt" Oh you thought that was funny" I laughed in response " B"


"Run" He said his voice graved. I stared at him wide eyed for a sec before taking off into the forest. I was dunking and diving through trees. I was very proud of myself on how I was doing considering I just had my first shift. I looked back to see my brother looking deadly trying to latch his teeth on my leg. I yelp when he succeeded before kicking him in the head and kept moving. I could see the pack house coming into view. I saw my dad walking out of the patio with a plate of raw meat in his hand as he was getting ready for our annual pack kickback. I howled making him turn around. His face changed from surprise to anger when he seen my brother chasing after me.

"Stop" he commanded once I was behind him. He went behind a bush throwing clothes at us" shift" he commanded. We shifted quickly changing into the clothes he threw at us" Now" He said turning to look at my brother who was glaring at me" I won’t keep letting you take her out for runs if you continue trying to her hurt and this is not a way a future alpha behaves" he said sternly. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Dad please if I was really trying to hurt her I would of. I was just playing around" he said crossing his arms.

"then explain why her leg is bleeding" We both looked at him confused before looking down and seeing a gash in my leg making me feel queasy all of a sudden. I was never good when it came to blood. I glared at my brother as he looked at me apologetic.

"But she pushed me in the lake" He cried. My dad just looked at him ” I'm sorry" he said sounding and looking genuine. I just nodded not really upset cause this wasn’t the first time this kind of accident accord and leave it to us it wouldn’t be the last. "Now go get cleaned up so you can help me with the grill." he said has his beta Paul came out with more meat. My dad turned to me looking stern. I thought i was in trouble before he smiled slightly" go have your mother clean that up for you" He said brushing my hair out of my face. I nodded walking into the kitchen where my mom and other people from the pack were cooking. She gasped once she saw me.

"Let me guess your brother?" she asked grabbing my hand and walking upstairs.


"Who started it this time"

"I kind of did"

"Kind of?" She asked raising an eyebrow walking in the bathroom and getting the first aid kit

"He fell in the lake"

"And I’m guessing you helped him in there" I just laughed thinking back to earlier." When are you two going to learn? Keep this up one day one of you is going to get seriously hurt. After she was done I went to my room for a shower and to get ready. I dressed in a mint blue sundress that stopped at me knees.

I left my hair in its soft ringlets that went down my back. I didn’t but on any make up on my caramel skin cause for one I hated make up and two I didn’t really need it. I slipped on my sandals and left my room. I was heading down the hall when my brother came from his room he was dressed in a Hollister t-shirt and some khaki shorts. He saw me walking down the hall and looked at my leg that was wrapped.

"I’m really sorry" He said again when I came closer

"It’s fine. It’s not like you never did something like this before" I said with a shrug cause he has scar and bruises from me as well. We were always fooling around.

"That not the point" He said grabbing my arm" this time I didn’t even know I did it. I just feel really bad" He said lowly.

"You know how you can make it up to me" I asked sweetly


“Give me a piggy back ride to the party" He laughed but nodded squatting down so I could get on his back. The whole pack was here. They were either coming or going from in and out the house or they were playing games, swimming, and eating outside. He dropped me off by my friends has he seen his mate walking in the other direction. He found his mate a couple of months ago.

She's really nice. I was surprised at first cause he told me he didn’t want a mate but said the moment he saw her everything changed. His past thoughts and past wants didn’t matter anymore. And said he loved here instantly. I’m not going to lie, I envied him. I want that type of love, that love at first sight kind of love no matter how cheesy that sounded. I looked at my friends has they laughed and talked some of them having their mates on their laps. Yeah that was definitely something I wanted.

"Hey" Brianna said


"Why are you so quiet" I just shrugged. Brianna was my best friend we were so much a like we were practically sister but unlike me she found her mate and I think she knew what was wrong" He going come sooner or later" she said trying to comfort me.

“Yea I hope so"

"Hey Brookie" Only one person called me that. I looked up to see CJ standing over me. He being one of my other best friends and I haven’t seen him in months.

 "Hey" I said getting up to hug him" when did you get back"

"Last night" I hit him

"And you didn’t call me" He just shrugged

"It was late" I rolled my eyes. My dad cleared his throat making everyone go quiet.

"Thank you. I wanted to make an official announcement" he said as my brother and his mate Megan walked to stand next to my father" I wanted to congratulate my son on finding his mate and to introduce the future alpha and Luna" he said making everybody cheer "anything you two would like to say" my dad asked them.

"Speech!" people started to shout

“I just wanted to say is that I hope that as your future alpha that I can be half the alpha my dad is and I know with Megan by side I'll be able to achieve that" she blushed smiling at him. You could see the love between the two from just by the way they looked at each other. From then on the party went full swing and by the end of the night everybody was gathered around by the bond fire.

I started to feel funny. I don't exactly how to explain it but I felt really warm and not because I was sitting next to the fire. I felt warmth on the inside. It was an amazing feeling really. All of a sudden we hear howls and rustling in the trees and us being werewolves we could here this right away. I looked over to my father was talking rapidly to his beta Paul they looked pissed. 

"Men get the women and children out of here now. Rouges have just crossed our territory"

My first werewolf story. This will probably be a short story. Hope you like.


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