You Don't Want Me?

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Everybody was going crazy. Men gathered their families to somewhere safe. I started to feel really warm all of a sudden and it wasn't because I was by the fire it was more like a burning sensation that I couldn't explain. I seen two little kids a boy and a girl holding hands crying. They didn't look any older than 5. I ran over to them and recognized them to be Lisa's twins.

"Where’s your mom" I asked them.

“We don't know" Adam said trying not to cry as he comfort his sister. I took her hand and started to walk where I seen most people going.

"Adam, Leah!!" I heard someone shout franticly. I looked over to see Lisa and her husband David.

"Lisa" I shouted running them over.

"Oh thank god" she said relieved as they ran into their arms

"Thank you" David said eyes showing gratitude. I nodded. I turned around to see my brother and CJ heading my way.

"Come on we need to get you got of here" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

"I don't want to. I can help"

"We don't need your help we need you out of the way" He said has we passed our parents

"Daddy!" I yelled yanking my arm from him and running over to them.

"Want are you still doing here" he said looking angry but hugging me anyway" Claire get her out of here, there’s not much time" he said as the howling got closer an louder. That warmth feeling also getting stronger.

"Ok but I’m coming back" My mom said taking my hand into a tight grip

"No you’re not, you’re going to go somewhere safe till I come for you or so help me God-"

"Ok" my mother said sadly. My father's eyes soften and kissed her deeply.

"I need you safe, the both of you" He said kissing the top of my head. All of a sudden he went stiff and closed his eyes tight and looked at my mom" Go now!" He yelled. She looked at him wide eyed and ran. I looked back just in time to see all the men shift, that was always my favorite part, as rouges came out of the woods slowly growling. That warmth feeling getting so strong I want to cry out. We were almost near the other end of the woods when 5 rouged came through growling and snapping their jaws. We shifted getting ready to fight. I was a fighter me and my mother both. We would get through this alive and that would show my dad.

They charged at us and us at them. I wasn't scared in the slightest I was using moves on these wolves that my bother showed me taking them down. My mom was looking at me with pride after ripping at rouges neck. I was knocked to the ground by a huge wolf. He pinned me to my back growling at me. The moment he made contact I felt sparks. My eyes widen as I looked into his deep brown ones. His once hard eyes turned soft and ones of shocked. My blood ran cold the moment my wolf shouted 'Mate'. And I was guessing his wolf said the same thing. All of a sudden the warm was feeling was gone as he was pushed off of me by my mom. She crouched in front of me protectively.

He didn't seem to like that so much and charged and try to stick his teeth in her neck. I growled at him for that and tackled him. But he got up quickly latching his teeth in my skin and running away in the forest. I tried to fight but it was useless he was to strong and was going too fast. We finally stopped and he but me down I growled at him but he looked amused which just made me angrier. 'Shift' I heard. I looked at him wide eyed. There was no way he just connected with me threw mind link. He wasn't part of my pack which meant he had alpha blood. That could be the only way that was capable 'Shift' he said again making my shiver.

'You shift first' He narrowed his eyes at me before using his teeth to untie his clothes that were around his ankle then throwing me his shirt

'Same time' he said

'Fine' but I went behind the tree, mate or not he wasn't about to see me naked. I didn't even know his name. His shirt smelled like cinnamon .I came from behind the tree to see the most glorious man I have ever seen on God’s green earth. He had really dark curly hair with beautiful caramel skin and looked to be 6'4 and a body so amazing Boris Kodjoe would have a run for his money. In other word the boy was fine. We stared at each other for the longest just listening to one another’s breathing.

"What’s your name beautiful" He husky voice reached my ears making a pleasurable shiver run down my spine

“Brooklyn, what’s yours?"

“Dominic" he said walking closer to me. I backed up not wanting to be too close but he didn't stop walking to he was right in front of me. He really did smell like cinnamon. Either cinnamon buns or apples I was sure yet. He looked to be in deep thought has he looked into my eyes. Slowly he raised his hand and gently caressed my cheek" I’m sorry" He said looking deep in regret. I looked at him confused as to why he was apologizing" I didn't mean to hurt you" He said still caressing my cheek . I felt my cheek to see it was bleeding and it felt swollen. I shrugged my brothers done worst.

“It’s not a big deal" I said moving away from him. Hurt flashed in his eyes before it was gone." So you’re a rouge" I said

"Yea" he said scratching the back of his neck" Not exactly something you want to but on your resume" he joked nervously

"Why" I asked. I never understood my one turned rouge. He looked at me for a moment

"You should go, your families probably worried sick"

“you mean the ones you tried to kill" He didn’t say anything. I glared at him before walking away but then turned around" you think I want this a rouge for a mate well I don't" I yelled at him. Hurt flashed in his eyes, it staying longer this time

"You don't want me" He said lowly not looking at me

"No" I whispered regretting my words instantly but knowing with him being a rouge our relationship was doomed before it even started. He looks at me, his eyes hard.

"Fine" He said before turning around and walking away. I stared after him regretting what I had just done.

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