I'm Here For Now

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I watched as Dominic and his jackass of an Uncle fought. I couldn’t believe his own Uncle killed his parents. That is just so disgusting and the fact that he had not even an ounce of remorse really says something. He let power drive him into doing something so ridiculous. How Dominic was an able to keep calm for as long as he did after hearing that show just how much patience he had. Cause if it was me..... Yeah enough said. I watched as Dominic have the upper hand it was like he knew his uncles moves before he made them it was an amazing thing to see. I could tell it was infuriating him. So since it seemed like he couldn’t get the upper hand he started to play dirty. His men started to shift running towards them along with the ones that already had shifted.

"Dad" I yelled not taking my eyes off them as they started to jump him "you have to help him" I heard my father howl and him, his men and my brother ran towards them and a minute later more men form the pack came to help. We outnumbered them and seeing that, see that he was about to lose he pulled out his last card. He looked at me and before I could even shift all the way he had me by my throat. I screamed at the pain. His Uncle clamped down trying to snap my neck. I kicked and thrashed. I use all the power I had left and kicked him off me. I staggered away from the fight but didn’t get far as I felt myself being lifted and the next moment by body connected harshly with a tree. I laid there, the blood rushing to my ears as I struggled to breathe. I could barely keep my eyes to focus on one thing, my vision going in and out. I wanted to call I out to Dominic to make sure he was ok but I could barely breathe, let alone speak. All of a sudden I heard whimpering and I panicked because I knew it was Dominic. I started to cry trying to get up feeling that I had lost my mate. I started to give up when I felt a wet nose on my face and more whimpering.

"Brooklyn" Dominic voice called through my mind" Brooklyn" he said sounding in pain. I felt him lick my face as he whimpered." Baby?"

"Brooklyn" My dad loud voice boomed in my head making me cringed and seeing me do that made Dominic growl at him. My vision started to comeback somewhat. I could see Dominic crouched down in front of me and a protective stance from my father and everybody else, them all still in wolf form. I used the little strength I still had and reached out to him. He turned around quickly and shifted gathering me as careful as possible in his arms.

"I’m so sorry, I’m so so sorry" Dominic repeated over and over in my hair. I wanted to tell him he didn’t need to apologize that it wasn’t his fault, that I was just happy he was ok, but I still couldn’t find my voice." I am just a terrible mate. I don't deserve you" I started to cry hearing him talk like that" Please don't cry" he stood up with me and started walking" Look at me" He pleaded. I opened my eyes looking at his chocolate ones. I was shock to see tears in them. I went to try and speak again but he shook his head" Don't speak, where almost there".

By the time we arrived at the pack doctor the healing process had already begun taking some of the pain away. We would of gotten there faster but him and my dad started to argue about who should carry me and blah blah blah. Dr. Cindy opened the door and frown at the sight of me. Did I really look that bad?

"What happen?" She asked after I was hooked up to IV's. When Dominic didn't say anything my dad explained everything to her and not missing the opportunity to blame Dominic for everything but instead of arguing back, he just looked down at his hands from where he was sitting across the room.

"Dad" I croaked. My throat felt like it was on fire. Dr. Cindy went and got me a glass of water and I drank it down greedily. When I was done I cleared my throat wanting to give my dad a piece of my mind" It’s not his fault"

"The hell it’s not"

“How is it his fault that his Uncles crazy" I asked

"He should of left you alone to begin with"


"He's right" Dominic said still looking down

"What do you mean he's right?" I said looking at him like he was crazy

"Ever since I came into your life everything has went wrong. I put a strain on your relationship with your father and I almost got you killed" he said angrily

"That has nothing to do with you" I tried to reason

"It has everything to do with me, can’t you see that" He yelled making me flinch. He took a deep breath trying to calm his anger" I’m a terrible mate. I don't deserve you"

"Stop saying that. I love you" I said frustrated that he couldn't see that.

"I love you too...." he said trialing off. He looked at me for a moment before looking away ”That's why once you fully recover I'll be on my way" he said still not looking at me. I felt like I was going to be sick at his words. He was leaving me? My heart beat speed up and everybody can hear it as the heart monitor started to go off.

"Brooklyn come down, take deep breaths" Dr. Cindy said but I could barely hear her. My mate was leaving me?

"Dominic" Dr. Cindy called. He rushed to my side burring his face in the crook of my neck.

"Take a deep breaths" He said in his soothing voice taking deep breaths with me

"You can’t leave me" I cried. Holding on to him

"Shh" He said kissing my lips" Get some rest. I'll be right here" He said kissing my forehead.

Yeah, for now.

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