this is not reese its cajun fries

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so like im stuck in a piano recital with reese rn and shesuCks more than dan and phil in the hat fic jkjk no one sucksmore that dan and phil in the hat fic wait wh a t t h e f u ck autocorrect litralee corrected phil to philidelphia  i mean i like the cheese and all but blue cheese is better bc its moldy and grey like my soul waitwhat soul jk and 50 shades of gray wihtch tbh is nothing compare to most fan fic shuns also i know where i get my gr8 smut mind my mom has read all the 50 shades books and enlOYS THEM OOPS I MEANT ENJOY YEAH THAT FUCKING SLUT Whih reminds me my teacher is a whore yes what a shame what a shame my teacher is a donald trump suporter oh shit thats worse wow tap shoes are nice they remind my of patrick stump and how he was named after the tree he was borned on. -ilovefalldownguys by the way all of the was 169 words bing bing bong bong 420 blAZE IT

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