Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV:

*Skype call starts to ring*

God, you don't know how much I hate that sound. I wonder who is calling me right now, its like, 11 PM and I have to finish this translation by tomorrow. But I mean, I'm almost done already, let me see who is calling. All I could read from the screen was "Han" and before I even thought about it I picked up.

"Hey!!! How are you?!?!" I asked my friend Hannah

"I'm not going  to lie, I am horrible. I feel horrible and I'm just missing everything we used to do together" she answers "and wanna know what I miss the most?"

"Getting drunk and cooking together" we said at the same time

"How did you know?" she asked

"I miss it too, and you know what man? Just cuz' you feel horrible, and I am an incredibly nice person. I will get drunk and send you a video of my cooking show" I said laughing.

"But you have to do it right now, or you will forget about it" she said

"You know? you are right" I said "I'll call you later"



I took my laptop, and started filming a video about how to make grilled cheese,  I know, that is the dumbest thing ever but, I don't care, I am drunk. There are some problems that I just realized, first, I don't have cheese and basically if I don't have cheese, I cant make a grilled cheese sandwich. But right now I don't care, I just want Hannah to watch the video and remember about those times when we got drunk and hosted our own cooking show. I finished the video, and now I just have to edit it, but editing is so hard, and I am so tired, plus, I need to finish translating this paper. So I did. I finished translating the papers and I went directly to bed, but as I was sitting there I saw the clock. 12:30 AM I mean, I can edit the video before 1:30 AM, let do it. I started editing at 12:30 AM and I finished at 2:54 AM. Well, this took me longer than expected, I am just going to bed right now.

I wake up because I heard that annoying, unstoppable sound, the Skype call sound. I pick up the call, just so it could shut up already and surprise, surprise, it was my friend Hannah calling.

"Hey, when are you sending me the video?" she asks impatiently

"Calm down, I will send it to you soon, the only problem is that I don't know how" I replied "I even edited it yesterday"

"Well, I mean, just send it by Youtube. Upload it there and give me the name or the link, and I will find it" she said

Actually is not a bad idea, its not like anyone will be looking for a grilled cheese tutorial in Youtube. Ill just upload it there.

"Sure" I said "But I need a channel to upload a video"

"Agh, don't worry too much about it" she said "I will be the only one watching it"

"You know, I will just call it MyHarto, because of my trip to Japan, that's how everyone called me there "Harto" I answer

"Sure, just upload it already" She is getting more and more impatient

"God, you are annoying sometimes" I said, joking with her "Its up already, just look for "My Drunk Kitchen Ep. 1: Butter Yo Shit"

"Will do! Nice name though. I'll call you after I watch it"

And just like that she closed the chat. That girl is crazy, not even a goodbye. Whatever, I still have to turn in this page, and I haven't so I might go do that right now"

Author's Note:

Hey there, see how I am starting the story as close to the real one as possible? I am going to have some fan fiction in it in a close future. But so far, until Hannah doesn't become famous and meets Mamrie and Grace, I want to make it as close to the real story as possible. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and comment on your favorite part. Also, I am in exam week, so probably there wont be any update until Wednesday or Saturday, depends. See you in the next chapter.


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