Chapter 3

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Month passed and I can say that Grace, Mamrie and I are getting along pretty well. I mean we talk every day, and we get together almost every night.

I wake up and like any normal day I check my phone.

Grace: Hey! what are you doing today?

Grace: Can you come over today at 3? I just talked to Mamrie, she is coming over.

Me: Sure, I'll be there

I jump out of bed and start getting dressed, I had to leave early because I had a meeting with my manager.

I get to the meeting and we start talking about the fact that my channel have 200,000 subscribers, and we need to start growing and expanding. She thinks that the most convenient way to grow is by moving to LA. Because there are more chances, like, collaborations, photo shoots, interviews... I don't want to move, because I have Mamrie and Grace here, I mean, we haven't been friends for years, but I still care about them and I feel like moving to LA will be an obstacle in our relationship. But in the meeting my manager convinced to move, and settle a date. In 3 month.

So basically my whole life is changing in three months. And I don't even like Los Angeles, I feel like people are plastic over there, and nothing is real. But I mean, its for my career, and I will make new friends. I just don't want to say goodbye to Mames and Grace. Goddammit this is hard.

I get to the car with all these thoughts in my head. I have to hurry up, because its already 2:47 PM and I have to be there before 3.

I finally get there, its 3:04 PM. I mean, its better than I thought. I walk to the door and knock.

Mamrie opens the door

"HELLO ASSHOLE!" She said, with a huge smile on her face, opening her arms.

"Oh god, are you already drunk?" I laugh and hugged her

"The question is, when am I NOT drunk?" She answered laughing at herself

"God, you are weird, aren't you Mamrie" Grace appeared from behind  her and laughed "come in Hannah, this asshole isn't even inviting you in, what a host Mamrie!"

"But I thought you were the host Grace" I said, in a low volume, almost like I didn't want  her to hear me

"I know, but don't tell her" We both laughed

After a lot of drinking and tipsy talking and dancing, Mamrie stood up

"Guys, I had a blast, but I have to go. I need to be on a meeting early tomorrow" She said

"Oh come on, its only 10:00 PM" Grace argued

"I'm sorry Grace, I will call you guys tomorrow" Mamrie answered

"Sure, just don't drive home" I said worried

"Yeah mom" She laughed

Mamrie left, so it was just me and Grace left. I stand up

"I should probably be going to" I said

"Oh come on, you are both boring. You don't have to be in any meeting tomorrow, don't be a party pooper" She grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the couch

"Party pooper? Yup, you are definitely drunk" I said

"No I'm not" She said laughing at herself

Yep, she is drunk as fuck. Whatever, I am going to stay here a little longer and then leave. Anyways I need to upload a video tomorrow.

After 2 minutes of silence, Grace said

"What does it feel like?"

"What does what feel like?" I asked back

"You know, being gay and stuff like that" She said almost blushing

"I mean, its great, you can breath perfectly" I said joking

"No, come on, seriously" She said with a straight face

"Why? are you questioning your sexual orientation?" I said laughing

"Not that, I just wanted to know" She blushed

"I mean Grace, its the same thing as being straight, just that you like men, and I like women" I answered

"Is it?" She asked as she leaned in, her lips desperately looking for mine. I tried to pull back but  I couldn't move, so I just gave up and kissed her back. The kiss got more and more intense as the time went by until I finally pull back.

"So is it?" I asked her this time



Hey, so how was it? Did you like this chapter? Leave comments. Now I wanted to get Hartbig out of the way first, but this is like my favorite ships. And I really want to handle well. I don't wanna kill it right away, but I don't want it living way too long. So don't expect the story based on Hartbig. As I said before, I want this to be as close to reality as possible but there will be some fantasy with the shipping. I hope you guys are liking the story, don't forget to share it, favorite it, and comment on it.


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