Disappearance, and Meeting.

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Aisha:Dimension Witch
Elsword:Infinity Sword
Raven:Blade Master
Rena: Grand Archer
Chung: Iron Paladin
Ara:Sakura Devanam
Eve:Code Nemesis
Elesis: Crimson Avenger
Add: Diabolic Esper
Lu:Noblesse/ Chillrach (Mainly Noblesse)
Ciel: Dreadlord/Royal guard (Mainly Dreadlord)
On to the story! :)

Lu's POV
I was soundly asleeping until all I hear is a loud thud. I groan, checking the time "8:30" I said out loud. Stretching and getting up from bed I walk down the hall to only bump into a certain mage. "Oh.. Hehe...H-hey Lu!" Aisha nervously said. I raised an eyebrow since she'd be all perky and chasing Elboy. Which in this case she wasn't. "Something the matter?" I questioned. "Haha..Nope nothings wrong!" I could feel a slight pang of guilt in her voice. I shrugged it off "What could go wrong" I thought. Aisha ran off and did the usual. I ran down the stairs and checked the kitchen. No one was there.That was slightly odd since either Rena or Ciel would be cooking breakfast by now. I wondered throughout the house, Rena was still sleeping. But, I still couldn't find Ciel anywhere it made me worriesome...

Aisha's POV
Oh no! What have I done?! I did the wrong spell.. I mean it couldn't be that bad right? I opened up my spell of books and ran my fingers through the pages. 'Summoning another from a different Dimension.'... Crap.. I think I just summoned another Ciel from another dimension.. Afterall I didn't see him at all this morning I'm just assuming I did anyway. "I need to find the ot- " My words were interupted by a wormhole erupting in my room, it threw out a familiar looking demon. Shortly the wormhole closing itself afterwards.

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