The Beginning

40 4 5

Song: lithium.


I hear my packmates howling as the battle begins, & I already see my beta stumble. I grow, changing my course. I knew we should have fled, but my pack wanted to stay and fight. I could already hear their screams of pain. We weren't being attacked by just one pack, from my account so far, there was about 3. They were targeting my strongest pack mates in groups.

I step in front of my beta, protecting him from a blow I could easily bounce back from, taking a swing of my own. My claws met one of the three wolves surrounding us in the snout. It scampers away and the others follow

My second in command gave me a grateful look to which I gave a slight inclination of my head in acknowledgement. Looking around quickly, I lose my breath and my ears pricked up. So many different emotions I hear are tearing my brain apart, I hear mournful howls and prideful barks, vexatious wines or growls, and cries of agony.

My pack was losing this fight, I could see that now. And the blood was on my hands. I am the Alpha, I'm supposed to protect the ones who protect me in return.

Suddenly I hear the distinct crunch of bone, squishing of entrails, and slashing of warm sloshing blood onto the dirt ground. And now it is all I see. My third in command, next my 4th, then my omegas, and guardians, my sentinels are down as well.

I lift my muzzle and call for retreat "fall back, to the caves" i bark to my beta who is at my right. He turns and leads away are surviving wolves to our haven to collect women, children, and elders and bring them to the caves. Very few of my wolves stay behind with me to distract our enemies while the others get to safety. I take pride in these wolves, who put others before themselves. Running through the field of corpses, creating more, I count the brothers I would gladly die with to save our loved one.

Among them are my father and his six brothers, their eight Sons, and my last living Guardian, and best friend, Pierce, who in truth should have been my beta, but it wasn't his birthright. On my way towards another snarling wolf I catch an all too familiar scent and am immediately brought to a halt. Blueberries. Why was my mates sent on the battlefield?

I'd strictly told her to stay with the others that wouldn't be allowed to fight. She disobeyed me, again. Why did my mate have to be so damn stubborn?

My teeth clenched as I followed the scent of fresh blueberries along with the smell of blood towards the thick of the battle where I see my father against six wolves from the Western pack. Behind them stands there alpha, his jaws around my mates neck. He was trying to rescue her. For me.

My father was a man of few words, especially in wolf form. But now he barked at me "save her" before hurling himself at the wolves, bucking and clawing. I sprinted towards my mate, a look of sorrow in her eyes. Only now had she realized the importance of my words to her before leaving. " stay here, stay alert, and stay safe. If I catch you anywhere near that Battlefield, I'll skin you."

That's what I said to her. Maybe it was the harshness of my words that persuaded her to follow us out of spite. It doesn't matter now, it was too late.

I was feet from my mate when I stopped hearing my father struggling. I turned, seeing a wolf with its jaws around his throat slowly biting down and two wolves nipping his flanks until they bleed. What happened next was too fast for my body to react to, but not for my eyes to see and brain to comprehend. Their claws raked through his belly as smooth as a steak knife through butter. But that isn't nearly as best description for what just happened. And suddenly his organs were on the ground, blood floods all around. Within the next second his head was clean off and the sickening crunch I'd heard was enough to haunt my dreams as well as my reality.

There were no words for the pain that ripped into my chest. A single tear made its way down my cheek as I turned away, I still had to save my mate. But I was too late. When I turned back to her, she was already half dead. Bolting faster towards her, I tried to reassure her with my eyes, but even she knew it was over. "I'm sorry. I love you." She whimpered. The alpha and not let go of her throat yet, and 4 Wolves bit into her limbs

Quartering. It's what this pack is known for. Just like the man who assassinated King Henry the fourth, pulled apart by four horses it was almost the same as the 5 wolves biting into my beloved's body ripping and tearing away from each other, her limbs still in their jaws.

There were too many of them, left and right, in front of my face, there was always a new wolf to kill before I could get to my mate. She was so close now, I could still save her. Her cries of agony got louder and louder. I could hear her suffering and her frail bones snapping in the mouths of our enemies, but I couldn't get to her in time.

All I could see was red as i tried desperately to reach her before the Alpha could snap her neck.

All of the blood vessels in her eyes had popped from her powerful screams. And then she stopped. My heart was ripped in two. My jaw drops as a sound escapes. It was the loudest most sorrowful and grief stricken sound I'd ever made. My mate, the love of my life, was dead.

She phased back into her human form, and it was even more gruesome than before, her body deformed and twisted like a bloody mess of a human pretzel. The man inside of me weeped as the wolf took over.

Everything went black and I felt control leaving me. All of my actions after that point were %100 controlled by my wolf. And he wanted one thing. Vendetta.

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