Hey Brother - Avicii

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Mabel came darting into her and Dipper's room, ecstatically telling him about her day. She'd spent the night over at Candy's house and gone on an "adventure" with Wendy and the teens. Really, they'd just been running around town spying on the two lovers, Robbie and Tambry. All while Dipper had just been home that whole day, intricately studying the journals.

"Hey brother!" Mabel happily exclaimed, leaping onto Dipper's bed and sitting beside her twin. He didn't respond. He just buried his nose deeper into his journal. She cleared her throat and stuttered, saying, "there's an endless road to rediscover..."

That caught the kid's attention. Boy, did Mabel know her brother. He sat up and smiled at his sister. "Hey, sister. Know the water's sweet but blood is thicker."

Mabel had trouble understanding the meaning of what Dipper had said. He held up his journal and on a page read that exact thing, however talking about blood rain. They both chuckled.

Dipper then gave her a noogie, cheerfully adding, "if the sky comes falling down," the boy smiled as he got down from the bed. He made his way towards the door. "For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do," and with that, he left Mabel alone in the room.

The following day, Mabel watched as Dipper snuck down into the basement. She didn't know why her brother went down there so often, especially after being told not to. But, that gave her more reason to go out into the world on her own. She and Dipper, however, sadly hadn't been spending near as much time together ever since Ford had shown up.

"Hey brother..." Mabel mumbled to herself as she watched her brother sneak downstairs. "Do you still believe in one another...?"

She then saw Waddles wandering around the gift shop. The girl ran over to pick him up, doing so and grabbing a nearby pine tree hat that was for sale. She set it on her pig's head. "Hey sister," Mabel sighed, mimicking her brother. "Do you still believe in love...? I wonder..."

She then slowly glanced back towards the vending machine.

That night, Mabel called to her brother from across the room while they were lying in their comfy beds. "If the sky comes falling down..." Mabel said, a small loving grin on face. She expected her brother to reply, to finish her sentence for her. But he didn't. He must've already fallen asleep. So instead, she turned onto her other side and faced the wall, a despondent frown on her face as she murmured, "for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do..."

The two of them ate breakfast together the next day, sitting adjacent to one another at the kitchen table. Stan was cooking his special "Stan-cakes", humming to himself in the kitchen. To Mabel, Dipper appeared...afraid for some reason. She was just getting that vibe from him. They were, after all, twins. They often got those unique "vibes" from one another. But Dipper then leaned over and whispered in his sister's ear, breaking the awkward silence and saying, "what if I'm far from home...?"

Mabel just laughed and replied, "oh brother, I will hear you call!" Her face then darkened and she asked him, "what if I lose it all?"

"Oh sister, I will help you out," Dipper smirked, reassuringly putting an arm around his sibling.

"If the sky comes falling down..."

"For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do," Dipper finished off her sentence, the two of them then being served Stan-cakes. They gobbled up the food and then decided to go run around outside together.

"Hey brother! There's an endless road to rediscover!" Mabel cried, chasing her brother around the yard, energetically dodging obstacles.

"Hey sister! Do you still believe in love? I wonder," he replied as he spun around and unexpectedly tackled her, the two of them toppling over and onto the ground. She sighed and referenced her "stupid" love life, saying that she wasn't going to worry about a "summer romance" anymore. Or at least for a time. They both laid there on their backs, staring up at the sky and cloud gazing.

"Oh, if the sky comes falling down..."

"For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do."

Ford then appeared, holding his hand out to Dipper to help him up. Dipper grabbed ahold of the old man's hand and stood up. Mabel rolled over onto her stomach, watching her great uncle and twin brother interact. The man led Dipper off, off towards the Mystery Shack and presumably into the basement.

Mabel sat up and stared at the grass beneath her. "What if I'm far from home...?" the girl sighed, quoting her brother. She pulled some grass out of the ground, lifted it into the air, and dropped it, watching it slowly drift away. "Oh brother, I will hear you call..."

She then paused.

"What if I lose it all?"

Again, a pause, this time as if she was waiting for her brother to answer. But all she got was silence. So, she answered herself, pretending to be Dipper again.

"Oh sister, I will help you out..."

Another pause.

"Oh, if the sky comes falling down..."

One last pause.

"For you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do..."

@EZ-Dayz here! <3

So I tried my best to give this real meaning. I hope you guys enjoyed. :D

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