Discord - The Living Tombstone

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Hey guys! It's Hannahbanana2604 here with another story! Sorry for the long wait, I've been busy and stressed, but now I'm on winter break so yay! Anyways, this song is Discord by The Living Tombstone, it was requested by quite a few people. I hope you guys like it!

Dipper walked alone in the forest. He didn't really know why he was out here. He checked his vest. Journal 3 was safely hidden in his vest pocket.

Dipper breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he had journal 3 he felt safe out here.

The boy then heard laughter come from deeper on in the forest.

Scratch feeling safe...

Suddenly Dipper stopped walking. He tried to move and found that he couldn't.

"I'm not a fan of puppeteers," Dipper snapped, "but I have a nagging fear someone else is pulling all the strings."

Unknown to Dipper, this wasn't real. He was simply having a nightmare. Downstairs, Ford was having a similar one.

Ford stood on the cliff of Gravity Falls, looking down at the small town. Everything was destroyed. A huge tear had opened in the sky, and everything was in chaos.

"Something terrible is going down through the entire town. Wreaking anarchy and all it brings." Ford said.

Meanwhile, Dipper was still struggling to move as blue glowing strings wrapped themselves around his wrists and ankles.

"I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all! I curse the name, the one behind it all," Dipper yelled as he felt himself get yanked backwards. Dipper knew who it was even before the demon spoke.

"Discord! I'm howling at the moon, and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon." Bill said, revealing himself behind Dipper.

"Discord, whatever did we do to make you take our world away?" Dipper yelled back. "Discord, are we your prey alone? Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne? Discord, we won't take it anymore! So take your tyranny away!"

Bill just laughed. He pulled on the strings and Dipper involuntarily followed.

Ford was also dealing with Bill Cipher's work in a dream of his own.

"I'm fine with changing status quo, but not in letting go. Now the world is being torn apart," Ford snarled. He had left the cliff and was now in the shack, trying to find a weapon to defeat Bill.

He finally found his Quantum Destabilizer. He ran outside the shack, trying to locate the dream demon, but Bill unsettlingly found him first.

Bill used his diabolical powers to levitate the gun out of Ford's hands. He chucked it far into the nearby woods. Bill then lifted Ford into the air. Ford scowled.

"A terrible catastrophe, played by a symphony," Ford gestured to the town.

"What a terrifying work of art," Bill sneered.

"I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all. I curse the name, the one behind it all..." Ford said.

"Discord! I'm howling at the moon, and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon!" Bill laughed.

"Discord, whatever did we do to make you take our world away?" Ford questioned. "Discord! Are we your prey alone? Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne? Discord, we won't take it anymore, so take your tyranny away!"

Bill didn't respond, he just blasted Ford with magic, turning him into a gold statue.

Back in Dipper's dream, Bill had forced Dipper to go back into the shack. He punched in the code to the vending machine, and the door swung open. Dipper had questioned Bill several times, asking what he was making him do, but Bill never answered.

"Discord, I'm howling at the moon, and sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon. Discord, whatever did we do to make you take our world away?" Dipper wailed. He was now in the basement. Bill made Dipper take a match out of his pocket. He took journal one, lit the match, and set the thing on fire.

"Discord, are we your prey alone? Or are we just a stepping stone for taking back the throne?" Dipper said as Bill forced him to light journal two as well.

"Discord, we won't take it anymore! So take your tyranny away!" Dipper tried to resist it, but Bill made him light journal three on fire.

Dipper and Ford both shot awake from their nightmares. Dipper rubbed his head in confusion and fear. Ford checked the basement to make sure his journal and the rift were both still there. As the two Pines panicked, a demon watched them from the shadows...

And laughed.

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