Chapter 29 - Somthing to live for

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Marc's POV

"Sam it is now March 10th and no change. It has been almost two months! You still can't breathe on your own and the doctors don't think you will pull out of this. I know how much you love to prove someone wrong so prove them wrong. Tomorrow is Aaron's birthday remember? Your brother would really love for you to be awake for that." I spoke holding Samantha's hand.

"Everyone misses you like crazy. We all love you. I need to tell you something but I refuse to tell you while you are unconscious. Wouldn't that be like ear rape or something? Telling you something important without your conscious consent? It is some juicy stuff too. Trust me you want to know." I added with a smile.

"Will you please wake up? I am starting to think you can't hear me. Either that or you are just choosing to ignore me like always." I muttered.

"You have a lot to live for. I don't know if you realize it but you do. You have all of us. Isn't that a good enough reason to come back?" I questioned hopelessly.

"I need you Sam." I whispered sadly.


I was lying immobile and had no idea where. How long had I been here? The last thing I remember was the graveyard and now here I was. I could not see anything. I was sore all over. Wherever I was it was freezing and there was a breeze. I could hear that same voice from earlier and I still could not make out what it was saying. I tried to call out to it but I could not open my mouth.

I couldn't even cry! I felt like doing nothing but cry but I couldn't. I was not fighting, yet nothing was happening. I thought I would just die and that would be the end of it. I guess I was not completely letting go. Sure I was not putting up a fight but I could not stop thinking about everyone. Maybe that was the problem. But how do I let go? Even if I knew how to, I did not want to. This was another problem.

I felt something wet form up under my body and I couldn't move. It rose and rose making me realize it had to be water. Where did it come from? The cold water was rising faster than I imagined. It was starting to cover my ears. It was hindering my ability to hear the voice at all and I did not like it. I focused on nothing but the voice. I concentrated and then I heard it. I knew who the familiar voice was. It was Marc's! I pictured his face as I listened.

The water was almost at my nose now but I focused. I could hear him but still could not make out what was being said. I was now submerged in the water and I could not breath.

"You have a lot to live for." I hear Marc's voice loud and clear. I tried to move but couldn't.

"You have us." His voice cut through the water again but I couldn't respond.

"I need you Sam." His voice broke my heart. I screamed with every ounce of strength I had. I don't know how I did it but I did. I shot my eyes open to see nothing but water. I jerked my body and fought to get out. It was like something was holding me under.

"MARC!" I yelled making water rush into my mouth. I began coughing making more water enter. I kicked and flailed every part of my body. The water was dragging me down quicker now and my body was protesting everything I did. I couldn't breathe and all I did was swallow more and more water. I started to get angry. I felt pure rage against whatever force was holding me down. I screamed again and again. I reached out and reached for something. Anything would do but there was nothing. No way in hell was I going down. I had to get back to them. I gripped onto the ring on my finger and willed myself not to give up.


I squeezed her hand feeling that I needed to. I had a weird feeling and I was hoping it wasn't bad. As soon as I did, the machine went crazy. It didn't flat line like last time but it was having a mental break down!

"HELP!!!" I yelled out refusing to let go of her hand.

"Fight Sam! I know you can do it! Fight!" I encouraged. The others ran in along with a couple nurses.

"Whats wrong with her?!" Jasper demanded

"She is having some sort of panic attack! Everyone out!" The same nurse from last time ordered.

"I am not leaving her this time, so do your damn job!" I spat and she glared at me. She rushed to the other side.

"Marc!" Missy called out and I ignored her.

"Come on Samantha! Come on. I believe in you!" I chanted over and over as I squeezed her hand.

"You have to leave I am sorry." The nurse spoke again coming around to shoo me out.

"Listen lady. You need to stop worrying about me holding her hand and worry about helping her! If you touch me I will have no control over my actions!" I growled and she retracted her hand from its out stretched position.

"I'm going to call security." She threatened.

"Go ahead. By the time they get here you could have been helping her. Now help!" I angrily yelled. She huffed and went back around to do her job. I cradled her hand in mine and kissed her fingers.

The nurse was just about to inject something into the IV when Samantha's body jerked up. She gasped for air and her eyes shot open.

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