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Spring. The grass was a bright green, the flowers were in full bloom, and Earth was beautiful. Life was beautiful.

It's peaceful here. Tranquil and serene. Nothing could ever go wrong. That's why I didn't hesitate to stray from the village. I did it frequently.

I liked to walk through the forests that were close to the village. Sometimes I ran, sprinting and jumping over various forest brush. My bare feet are used to all of the activity now.

I felt so free. Unrestricted, like my father had no control over me whatsoever. Like no other person existed. No one was there to stop me.

No one.

I ran far this time. I had to be at least a couple miles from my village. I didn't stop though. I don't want to. I want to see how far I can go, how fast I can go, how long I can go.

A smile etched its way onto my face. I could do this forever. I wanted to do this forever. But my body wouldn't let me. My legs were beginning to tire, and the rest of my body felt sore. I refuse to stop, dodging trees and fallen branches that would have been in my way.

I don't stop until I reach the other end of the forest because what I see is absolutely unbelievable.

A herd of horses.

They were surely wild, and they grazed knowing that there was nothing to disturb them. To disrupt them of their peace.

I absolutely love horses. They are beautiful, and agile. I long to become one's companion. A horse's friend.

Yes, there are horses at my village, and I do interact with them, but it is not the same as having one for my own company. My father, a warrior of the Comanche tribe, tells me I will get one of my own in about one year, due to the fact that the horses are needed for battle.

I did not want to interrupt them, but it seems that one has noticed me already.

The creature had lifted its head up sometime during my stupor. Its ears were perked up attentively, waiting for any sudden movements. I stayed still, quiet. I did not want to frighten it.

After several minutes, it curiously walks forward after turning to look at its herd members, possibly checking to see if they had noticed me as well. They hadn't. Its steps were slow and cautious, and it kept its head low.

And then it stops.

When it does, it is at least a few feet away from me. It is studying me, and from how close I am, I can see that the horse is a mare. A beautiful, dark bay mare. She had beautiful white snowflakes dotting her coat.

Carefully, slowly, I kneel and sit on my legs. I breathe deeply and quietly, eagerly waiting for her to approach me.

That she does. After a few more minutes of perked ears and curious eyes, she takes another few long strides towards me. Soon, she stands in front of me, sniffing my face, my neck, my shoulders. She was investigating me. I stayed still, letting her smell me. Please, please don't think I am a threat, wonderful creature!

Wonder. The mare invoked wonder upon me. I believe Wonder is a perfect name for her.


Slowly, shakily, I raised a hand to pet her. She jerks back, snorting, and I pull back instinctively. I'm unsure if I should persist or not, so I stay frozen, hand in the air. Wonder then proceeds to sniff my hand, pressing her nose to my fingers. I can't help but giggle. I giggle more when I see her ears flicker at the sound.

"You're a sweet horse, aren't you. . ." I whisper. I make my voice as gentle as possible. I hesitantly move my hand towards her neck once more. She flinches, but doesn't move away when we make contact, so I let my hand rest there for a minute or more.

I can't believe it! I'm. . . I'm petting a wild horse! A beautiful, kind wild horse! Ecstasy swims through my veins, and a smile is plastered on my face from ear to ear.

She finally relaxes under my touch, and I stroke her neck and mane. "Yes, that's it. . . I'm a friend," I coo. She moves to my face again, sniffing me.


My name. It startles both me and Wonder, and she jumps, eyes wide and frightened. She then runs off, neighing a neigh that could be called a scream, and the herd runs away from me and my tribe members after one glance.

A large, gentle hand is placed on my shoulder. "Sisika. Where have you been?"

"I. . . I was on a walk." The lie flows out of my mouth like a river. I turn my head and see my older brother.

He seems satisfied with my answer. "Don't stray so far, Sisika. It is dangerous for someone as young as you to get this far away from our village." He is smiling, as if he has been in my place. He probably has. Although, I doubt he came into contact with a horse such as Wonder.

"I am an adult now. I am seventeen years, you are aware of that, surely." I raise an eyebrow.

"Sisika, you will always be a little girl to me. My little sister." He ruffles my hair and then offers a hand. I take it, and he pulls me up.

"Enough, Nocona," I let out a small laugh. My brother is always this way with me.

We begin to head back to the village. My brother talks of various events, but the only thing on my mind is Wonder.

I'll come back to her. I will find her once more.

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