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      Eunoia: beautiful thinking; a well mind. Seventeen years ago to this minute this name was assigned to me. As soon as my parents first saw my ultrasound, they knew that this name was going to someday belong to me. My mother and father claim that I was the most winsome baby that they had ever laid eyes on. They tell me that they envisioned all the accomplishments that I would someday achieve. I was "the most quintessential soul ever placed on Earth", but isn't that what all parents say to their children? Was there perhaps something that distinguished me from the other children?
      It was at my fifth birthday party when my parents obtained the news. As my friends and I were playing an innocent game of hide-and-go seek, my father had received the call. Never had I'd seen him so petrified in my five years of living. His facial expression was indescribable; years later I look back and can feel the pain in his look.
My parents would not allow me to learn about the situation. Few individuals knew, but they couldn't risk the chance of having them tell me and result in me finding out too soon. To insure my safety, they notified my school that they would be withdrawing me immediately, professing that we were moving out of the country to Finland due to my father's job relocation. We in fact were going to move to Finland, but not due to the job.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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