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Emery and Luke ended up becoming friends because they both realized they were so much better at maths than everyone else—well that wasn't the only reason.

The two spent most of their time in physics making fun of the people who were dumb because they didn't understand how to math—so basically everyone. Luke always felt a little bad, knowing that not everyone was good at everything, not that he was good at everything. He was bad at things too and he was sure he wouldn't feel too good if there were people making fun of him. Emery, on the other hand, did not give a shit.

Emery had made much more of an effort to befriend Luke than what he had expected. He had actually told himself he would try to become friends with her after the first day he spoke to her, but he had failed with his plan when he realized he was terrifyingly shy when it came to making friends, or speaking to new people in general.

He was surprised when Emery sat down right next to him the following class and spent the entire period talking to him about how much she loved taking naps. Luke wasn't so outgoing and Emery's forwardness and friendliness was amazing to him. He knew he could never be like that, he feared he would be stuck in his shell of shyness his whole life.

Emery had noticed Luke's shyness and had told him that she had made it her mission to bring him out of his shell. Sentences like that always scared Luke because he knew what they meant. They meant that he was going to have to do things that he most definitely wouldn't like, things that were out of his comfort zone—a place he had never left in his seventeen years of life.

Emery was quite fascinating to Luke. He had been right about her when he had first seen her that day during lunch. He had only known Emery for about a week but he had already learned things about her and to him, she was mesmerizing.

She was very blunt and straightforward, something that was very new to Luke but after a few days of talking to her, he got a little more accustomed to it, though it still caught him off guard every time. Emery had some guts and Luke was sure her big mouth would get her into a whole lot of trouble one day.

She cursed way too much and her American accent made all those words sound funny to Luke. She was certainly going to get herself into some kind of trouble sooner or later, he was sure of it. Luke felt like he had to keep her from doing something completely stupid but somehow he knew there wasn't a chance that Emery would ever listen to him.

Luke also noticed that Emery always had lollipops with her. She was always eating one every time he saw her. Apparently, she had a stash of them in her room that she had collected over the years. Luke had yet to see this stash but she assured him that it would be the most amazing stash of lollipops that he would ever see.

Emery hated a lot of things too, Luke noticed. She hated the lollipops with bubblegum in the center. She hated kids, claiming to never wanting to have any, ever. She hated people who were bad a maths and people who were lazy. There were many more things Emery hated—having told Luke the entire list one day after school—but he couldn't remember them all. There were a lot of things.

One of the physical aspects that characterized Emery was her hair. She had given Luke the rundown of everything she had done to her poor hair, everything that could possibly damage it she had done and somehow it had survived. She had admitted she was honestly surprised she hadn't gone bald yet.

Her natural hair was a light to medium brown. The first time she'd ever dyed her hair she went for black with white tips, then she colored the right side of her hair brown and the left side blonde, from then she went to pastel pink, pastel blue, pastel purple, white, then bright red, and then a blue ombre.

She had chopped her hair off after all of that, letting it grow out again and now she had her natural brown hair with red tips at the end. Her hair had gone through a wild ride and Luke had to sit there and listen to every single detail.

Luke often wondered why Emery had become so comfortable with him so quickly, being able to tell him practically anything and everything that came into her head or things that had happened to her before they had met—like the story of all her hair colors.

In a way, Luke was glad that Emery had taken the initiative to befriend him. He had originally wanted t but he felt as though he would have failed and they wouldn't have been friends at all if it wasn't for Emery. He really enjoyed her company. Like he had said before, Emery was different to everyone that he knew.


Luke turned around, seeing the brown headed girl walking in his direction. Emery had given him the nickname Watson since her last name was Holmes, she called him her sidekick. Luke wasn't too sure how he felt about that but he did find it amusing, like most everything that Emery did.

"What's up?" he asked, resuming his walk as she reached him, strolling beside him.

The school day had ended and Luke was feeling particularly tired, though he had accidentally fallen asleep earlier than usual the night before. He was looking forward to going home and getting into bed to cuddle up with his pillow and watch movies for the rest of the day.

"Are you going home already?"

"Yeah," he answered, "why?"

"Heard there was something exciting going on out on the bleachers after school, wanna come?"

"What is it exactly?" he questioned. Luke had always heard about people doing "exciting things" by the bleachers all the time. It usually meant a bunch of people were going to get high and he didn't want to partake in any of that.

"Something exciting," Emery answered, "Come on, it'll be way more fun than whatever you're gonna do at home."

"You don't know what I'm gonna do at home," Luke lamely defended himself.

"Yeah, you're gonna lie in bed and watch movies all night," she responded, knowing she was right. Luke was too predictable.

"So, who cares if I am?"


"Okay, whatever," he rolled his eyes.

"Come on, it's gonna be lit as fuck," Emery insisted.

"What the hell does that mean?" Luke gave her a weird glance. He'd heard people say the word 'lit' a couple of times but he still wasn't quite sure what that meant. He didn't understand where people came up with all these crazy terms these days.

"I don't know," Emery shrugged, tugging at the necklaces around her neck, "That's what they told me."

"Who's they?"

"People, friends, acquaintances," she shrugged again.

"I don't want to, Emery."

"Okay," she sighed, finally giving in to Luke, "I'll see ya then."

"See you later, Holmes," Luke waved.

"Watson!" she yelled in return and he Luke chuckled, watching as Emery quickly left his side and ran off in the opposite direction towards the football field.

Luke knew what those people were going to do and he knew Emery would not be too shy to refuse, if anything she would be the one encouraging everyone. Emery was always up for anything and though Luke admired that, sometimes he wondered about her. He didn't know that much about Emery's personal life, like the deep and important things—the things she enjoyed doing the most.

Sometimes he felt like Emery didn't want to hang out with him to simply just talk, to get to know each other better. Then he figured that Emery really didn't want to get that close to him. She could have just wanted him to stop being so shy so he could go out and do crazy things with her.

Luke wasn't like that though. Luke wanted to get to know her and he wanted her to know everything about him as well. Maybe it was asking for too much. Emery probably wasn't looking for a best friend or even a good close friend. She could have been looking for someone to ruin, someone who wasn't as wild and reckless as her and just completely and utterly ruin them.

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