Their World.

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     The start of the morning.  A peaceful sunrise.  A silly gathering of friends, just arriving to school.  In the amphitheater, under the bridge.  Weird, funny, disturbed, sexual, random, loud.  Multiple independent personalities gather together as friends here.  All accepting one another, laughing with instead of at.  Anyone and everyone, was allowed to be who they really are there.  When someone was down, everyone of them got together to cheer them up.  And they were all just, kids.  But we all knew how harsh the world was, and could be.  Yet we still smiled and laughed proudly. It was fun while it lasted. This I can confirm. Since I was one of them...

~Third Person pov~

     "Good morning everyone!" A short young girl greeted the group, as she set down her bag among the others. The cold chill of the morning frosted her breath, and her nose was given the pink hue of winter. 

     "Hi Canada~!" Her friends greeted her, calling the young one by her nickname. Almost everyone there has nicknames. 

     "Hiiiii Canadaaaaa!" The 11th grader, Bowtie, walked up to the short child; with his arms open requesting a hug, which the girl happily gave.

     The short one wen't around giving greetings and hugs to her other kids. Making sure everyone saw her smile, hoping to spread a little bit of cheer through each and everyone of them. They all responded with a warm hug and smile of their own, making the little ones smile grow brighter at the sight of her grinning friends. Just like every other morning, the little one went around making small talk with everyone; occasionally discussing Doctor Who with her friends, The Doctor and Bowtie. Everything was going good, in her eyes. She was at her happiest. Nothing could shatter her world. Or at least, that's what she thought.

     Arizona, not known for having natural disasters, was surely not prepared enough for the future the universe had in store for it.  No one truly understood, how fast something could be taken away. How quick everything could end. No one truly knows, until it happens to them. 


     Their worlds would be crushed.

~Lily's point of view~

    "So today after school, Doctor Who Club, needs to seriously get stuff done." I giggled at the frustration that I knew was going to follow later today. 

     " True, true. But I don't think anyone is going to pay attention, as usual. " The Doctor, or John-David, chuckled.

      "But we seriously need to go over the field trip th-" I was cut off by a sudden Momo.

      " Do you guys feel that?" Momo suddenly blurted out, sounding quite concerned and confused.

      " Feel what?" Bowtie, The Doctor, and I all questioned at once.

      " It feels like the ground is shaking? Are we having an earthquake?" Momo flailed her arms half joking and half scared.

      " I dont feel anything?" Talia looked around at all of our sitting forms. 

      " Are you sure you're not just shaking from the col-" I was once again cut off. But this time, it was from a sudden violent shake of the ground.  Screams erupting across the large campus.I was to shocked and surprised to make any noise. I saw panic flash threw all of my flailing and screaming friends. The shaking only lasted about 9 seconds, but it felt like an hour. Once the earth settled all of my friends were looking around frantically, holding each other, and all spewing the question of 'What the hell just happened?' In fact I could hear those questions happening all across campus. Everyone was freaked out and startled.

       "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!" A voice over the intercom spoke out, everyone and literally everyone being quiet to listen. "A minor earthquake has just erupted across the city. It's being recorded as a 4.3 high. Another one is supposed to hit again soon. As of this we are asking all students an teachers to evacuate to the fields next to the 8 hundred buildings. Stay calm and do not rush in panic. I repeat stay calm  and do not panic. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!..." The guy on the announcements began to repeat himself. But a loud crack distracted me and my friends' attention from everything else. 

     "What was that?..." Elijah was the first to make a vocal response.

But as soon as he finished asking the bridge above us began cracking and sinking down. I couldn't do any thing but stare at the bridge slowly falling, and my friends frantically scattering away from under it. Although, I wasn't the only one stuck in a frozen state of shock.  Ariana  was just staring at the collapsing bridge above her. It must have been a sudden adrenaline rush that made me react so quickly. I bulldozed Ariana out from under the bridge with a sudden amount of strength; literally a second before the bridge completely collapsed where she was standing under.

     "I almost died!" She screamed out from under me. 

     "Holy shit! That just happened!" I yelled looking over my shoulder behind me. Not being able to see the other side of the bridge. The side I just came from. I could hear people on the other side screaming out our names, and just screaming in general.

      " Oh my fucking god! Lily get off of me so we can get the hell out of here!"  Ariana yelled, bringing my attention back to the current situation. I quickly got off of her and helped her stand up. I saw the  rest of the bridge beginning to crumble down  in large pieces. I stood still and watched  as a piece came down and landed on Brendan. I heard his strangled yelp and the cracking of his bones.  Whether it be his legs, back, or hip, I couldn't tell; because within seconds another piece fell, crushing his head. The screaming rose all over. 

      "Brown boy!" I heard Ariana scream out behind me. 

I quickly turned around, my eyes wide and dilated. Pedro had also been crushed by falling concrete. laying stomach down on the rocks, with a large sized concrete block laying on his leg. I dashed closer to the two and began to attempt lifting the block off his leg. I would have yelled at him to move out from under it once I got it lifted enough, but the impact of hitting his head on the rocks must have knocked him out. So I yelled at Ariana to pull him out from under it. And as soon as she did I dropped the heavy block back down.

Ariana was stuttering out un-comprehensible and strangled chocked up sobs of sentences,while leaning over Pedro's unconscious and bloodied body. 

     " Ari, grab under his arms and help me get him out of here." I ordered in a surprisingly strict tone, as I carefully locked my arms under his legs. His blood staining my cloths and arms. Ariana sobbed but did as told. And we soon had moved Pedro and ourselves from the collapsed bridge we stopped and I looked back at the damage and panic behind me. 

I then realized that from the time I saw Brendan die, and get to where I stand now; only a single minuet passed. 

All of that. Happened in a minuet. 30 seconds. 

And there was only more to come.

( The next chapter will be up soon!!! Gimmie you're reviews and thoughts in the comments below!!! And yeah. If you didn't notice there's a picture and a video attached to this chapter so go check them out because they help with a visual and sound of this chapter...Ye) 

And There Goes Another.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora