finale where it all falls into place

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Hey so um I'm back again with the next chapter I wasn't so sure about this one but here goes

Round 10 the finale where it all fall into place

I waved one last time to Lana, as we were leaving she really helped me out that night and ever since that day I've had 6 days of nothing but spontaneous sex and saying I love you made the sex even better

"Are you ready" Alia asked around the staring wheel and I sighed really not wanting to get into another fight with her I went into the passenger seat. She smiled putting in her CD she started the car honking when she passed Lana, and I chuckled at her try at being a pro in the driver world. Pretty girl rock or something like that was playing, I zoned out thinking about going back to school as a one girl man... how will everyone react will they still like me, hell no one can hate me not even dogs, they love me. She turned the radio down

"Are you thinking about the same thing that I was?" She asked looking at me and the road at the same time something that took me weeks to months to perfect and she did it in the first 20 minutes of driving

"If its about school then yeah I am" I said looking at her, she didn't respond and I took that as a yes she was thinking about what was going to happen at school when the two Gods of sex walk in calming that they having given up their on godly lifestyle and want to start over a cheating free relationship. I can see it now, there respond s will be when pigs fly or ha when chicken little story becomes true, or as I my best friend will say when Cows start making Ice cream" I sighed and she looked at me and smile

"We'll make it I promise" She said looking at me and that's when I knew that she was the one although I knew that from the beginning but I was certain this time and I was sure that I would never want to hurt her.

When she felt tired she pulled over and gave me the wheel, she snuggled up in my arms and fell asleep, it was a bit uncomfortable to drive that way but I wouldn't want it any other way. I reached her home and I slowly woke her

"Hmm" She said rubbing her eyes, I couldn't help it I had to kiss her, she quickly reacted to my lips on hers turning the kiss into a greedy need for love

"You're home" I said and she smiled hugging me, I helped her with her bags and kissed her good bye

"Call me when you reach home OK She said and I nodded, who would have thought that me Alex Flawmore would get the Call me when you reach home line, I think I like this propose filled lifestyle.

I drove home with a smile on my face and not one of those "I just got the girl I've been working for all week" But for the first time I had on the "I have a girl that I love for life" Smile and I know that I would be having this smile a lot more often. I parked up and went up to my room, called my girlfriend and told her that I was home safely and she told me to go and have dinner and sleep for school, I chuckled, it was nice having some one other than my mother worry and care about me.

I had dinner and went to bed, bracing my self for the trials that were supposed to come tomorrow. I slept a dreamless dream maybe because all my dreams had already come true.

Alia POV

I couldn't sleep, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't scared, I know that I shouldn't care about what people think but what if they don't believe him and try to temp him or me and cause us to do something we don't want to, I called my dad, he's the one I called when I needed to talk

"Hello" He said it sounded like he was just about to wake up

"Hey dad It's me" I said and His voice changed

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