Round 6 Acceptance

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So I know you're dieing to see what happens n u might just skip this part and start reading but before you do please Vote motivate me to continue, feed back people I mean I feed you so you should feed back...........*Rolling on the floor with laughter*........................................... I crack my self up................... Anyways VOTE thanks

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Round 6 Acceptance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I wanted her no that was an understatement; I needed her, like how the flowers needed the sun for photosynthesis, like how the sun needed the moon. It was if I was getting artificial light before and I've finally found real true natural light the kind that can give you enough energy that will last a life time. She was my Sex fountain the type Sex Gods only dream about the type that drives you weak before building you strong.

"We're going to do it aren't we" she asked looking at me already knowing the answer

"Yes We are let the consequences kick in if they want to, I don't give a damn anymore, its my fault for falling for you" I said and she gave me a genuine smile and a genuine blush and that made me pull her into my arms and she moaned at every touch I gave her the longing of our body crying out in rejoice I slowly took off her clothes savoring every moment that I had her in my arm Little Alex was screaming for joy, we were both naked and a glance of the painting we made came into my mind that very painting was coming through the only thing was that it was way better than the dream I had, I carried her over to the ocean and the water felt cold against our hot bodies slowly rocking to the emotion we were giving off, she slide down and allowed me entrance with each inched I added in her entrance she moaned a different shade of feeling turning me on even more I pulled her into a kiss and our lips fell into place as she pulled me closer until our heart beats become one her tongue swinging to the emotion of our bodies our bodies wanting more cant get enough, I pulled her in even closer as if to make our bodies one and she groaned as I got stiff inside her and she moaned causing my hair to stand on ends, I pulled me lower into the water until our heads were the only thing above the ocean, I moved with her body as if she was commanding, this is the best sex I've ever had, I couldn't, I didn't and I wasn't going to stop now not ever. I stated to go harder and faster and her moaning picked up to the point were they became small screams, I held her and she vibrated below me showing that my loving was running through her body, Making love never felt so good
it was her turn to take over and take over she did rising our bodies above and under the water, she sent me to the underworld and back, I could see the Sex Gods frowning at our decision but impress at our improvement, I smiled within kisses that began to increase along with the temperature I felt as if we were on the sun or mere like the sun was on us.

"Don't leave me" She said lustfully and that's when I realized why the gods were frowning this wasn't suppose to happen, but we're in too deep to even think about stopping now it just make sense you finish what you've started

"I'll never leave you" I said, something I've never said to a girl in my entire life, the moment she stepped through the cafeteria doors I should have known that she wouldn't be any good for me


Its Saturday exactly 3 days after my little incident and guess what
my thoughts were cut off by lips touching mine

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