Three seconds, three years or whenever

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Three years after

Bonnie walked in a bar. 

"Bourbon neat"- she said to the bartender. He gave her a look and she looked him back whispering something making him understand that she was a witch and that she was not in the mood for comments. He served her the drink. 

"I really don't need problems of the witch kind!"- the bar tender said to her.
"I am not here to cause trouble, just fishing for information- looking for Roxy"- Bonnie said.

The man gave Bonnie a shady look and went to serve someone else. Bonnie took her phone out and typed a text to Stefan :


She had her drink and walked out of the bar. She looked at the phone as it buzzed. 

Stefan's text said: "Found Roxy. Dead."

Bonnie sighed and said in a half tone looking down the road: "Where are you, Damon?" and then got into her car. She drove off. 


Three years back

Bonnie gasped as she heard Damon's voice as she clicked to listen to the voice mail. She played it again and again. Oh, yeah, her heart was stuck. Stuck with Damon. She knew it. She had known it always. She wondered what she would have done if she saw him again. If she heard from him again. Would she stand cold and just walk by him or would her heart scream like it was doing at that very moment.

"That's him, isn't it?!"- Kyle said as he walked  into the living room.

Bonnie looked at the man and she could not lie. Even if she tried, her eyes would not be able to do it. The truth about all her feelings shone from them like the brightest star. 

"I'm sorry..."- Bonnie slipped-"I just- "- her soul was on fire. Kyle was a good guy. He didn't deserve to live a charade. 

"He is a lucky guy- I- ah...yeah- "- 


He waved to her that it was ok and that he was going. 

Bonnie saw him just one more time to say goodbye. To continue living a lie was not an option for Bonnie anymore. But life had a funny way of playing a conundrum with both of them. Damon was nowhere to be found. Every time she would dial the number she would get no network available. And so the search started. Stefan was there for her. He himself didn't understand why he would leave her a message and then disappear.

Bonnie was now driving to the meeting point with Stefan and Caroline, who had another lead.She was now going through different flashbacks of everything she went through the last three years.

"I think it was some kind of a goodbye"- Bonnie said to Stefan one night as desperation hit her hard. 

"It's Damon. He has always been unpredictable."- Stefan said. 

Bonnie could not deny it. She and Stefan were the only two people who knew him. This was something he would do. At one point give up on everything. 

"But there's no trace of blood."- Bonnie said.

"He can't switch his emotions off- Elijah made sure of it."- Stefan enlightened her.

"I have to think."- Bonnie said leaving  the diner she and Stefan met to discuss their next move. 


Somewhere in South America

" There was this girl. Bonnie was her name. She would talk and I would listen. And she could talk for hours. So clever. And so beautiful. I was just too blind to see that the best thing was there in front of me all the time. But I was scared. Believe it or not. Yeah, why would this clever girl give me the time of day. Anyway, I am a hateful guy. And what do I do? What do I do- well- I concentrate to destroy everything and everyone around me - I made sure I take away my brother's girlfriend. Out of spite. That's me. The hateful guy. I don't know how and when- she decided that I was worth saving. I don't know why she cared. And when she left, I realized I wanted her. I have always wanted her. And- I saw her- she was happy. And so I walked away and let her be happy-" - Damon took the bottle of tequila and walked out of the shop. 

I get lost all the time

In my thoughts in my mind

You come through like a light

In the dark  give me sight


If you let my soul out

It will come right back to you

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