Minhyuk X Reader !

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The Boys just finished dance practice, the manager just told them "We are adding a twist to monsta X ............" You enter the room the manager says "I'd like to introduce to you monsta x's new member ......... (Y/N) !" They all were egar to see what you could do so you turned on the stereo and danced to the beat soon enough the lyrics came and your voice had serenaded the room you also did a tiny rap in-between the song, all the members looked at you with amazement it was as if they were in a spell.

You had now moved into the dorm with the members and obviously you got your own room. After 2 and a half weeks you got use to the routine although every now and then you would get the awkward moment such as you opening the bathroom door and seeing that one of the boys just finished showering and having a towel wrapped around their legs with them also being shirtless ..... Their were a couple different encounters but that doesn't need to be said ........

You and the boys were practicing for your new song, while you were dancing you hurt your foot, you fell on the floor and automatically all the members rushed (I just made a pun in my head about RUSH) to you they all asked if you were okay with worried expressions your foot was bandaged and you couldn't dance for a week but you still came and watched................

Back at the dorm everyone already had gone to bed and you just came back from your photoshoot you walked into the living room and saw Khiyun watching a movie, you jumped onto the couch and sat right next to him, he moved over  a bit and was slightly flustered as his cheeks were turning rosy red, he had never been so close you you moved over more towards him and wrapped a blanket on both of you, you were so tired from the shoot you fell asleep on his shoulder, the movie was nearly finished and he finally relized you fell asleep he looked at you and couldn't help but think how beautiful you looked he was leaning in closer and closer to your face, his face was close to yours and he wanted to kiss you but right at that moment Wonho had just woken up and saw this, he was jelous, he walked into  the room and asked Khiyun "Is the movie marathon over?" Khiyun jumped up as he was surprised and stuttered out " Y-Y-Yeah there is only a few minutes left ." Wonho and Khiyun were so loud that you woke up, you relized that you fell asleep, you playfully pushed Kihyun and said "Why didn't you wake me up!" Then you looked over and saw Wonho "Please wear a shirt Wonho! I don't want you getting sick and neither do your fans!" He went bright red like a tomato "Oh no! I think your getting a fever your all  bright red!" You placed you hand on his forehead and the side of your body was slightly touching him, he got more flustered and said "I'm fine !" And he ran back to his room, Khiyun was still sitting on the couch you yelled at him " Go to bed! I don't want you to get bags under your beautiful eyes and neither do you fans too!" He started to blush and quickly ran to his room, after both boys left you sighed and thought geez! What am I going to do with those two.....................

It was the day where you, I.M and Jooheon were doing the special rapping edition of 'Trespass', you guys had just finished and decided to go out for a celebration dinner.............you finished dinner and were ready to order dessert, you all wanted the same dessert but since it was late they only had one of the dessert left, and you guys looked at the menu nothing else was looking good as what you all wanted you decided to share.............the dessert came and you were super happy......."I'm so proud of both of you! You did an amazing job !" You said as you fed them both, Both of them turned red and I.M started to choke, luckily you knew the Heimlich, he spat out the dessert and said thank you Jooheon had way too much to drink (you and I.M still couldn't drink) so you and I.M had to half carry him all the way to the dorm and the whole way he kept on randomly complementing you, by the time you got to the dorm he was dead asleep, you and I.M dropped him on his bed and went to the living room "Good night!" You said, I.M quickly said "Wait!" Which you thought was unusual as he was usually quiet "I want to thank you for saving my life........" He walked up towards you and gave you a kiss on the cheek you turned slightly red, I.M turned red as a tomato and ran back to his room, you sort of had the feeling that he might like you but it just broke your heart as you couldn't return his feelings back to him..............you just decided to act normal just in case you were wrong.

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