Chapter One: Olivia

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I lie in my bed, staring up at the ceiling of my stone house here on Asgard. My mother is in the room next to mine, sleeping. I wait to see the signal from Eathan, telling me that he is outside and ready to go. The signal is three flashes of light through the far window of my bedroom. I wait, for what feels like years. Then i see something out of the corner of my eye. There are three flashes of light that come through my side window in my room. I sigh and hop put of bed quietly. I grab my sword out from under the loose floor tile in the corner, and i hop out the window. I climb down the vines on the side of the house and down to the gound 50 feet below me. I jump down the last 15 feet without holding anything and run over to Eathan.

"Hey! You ready?" He whispers. I hit him in the gut with the butt of my sword. "What was that for?"

"You used the wrong window. My mom could have seen! What the Hel Eathan?!"

"Sorry. But youll forgive me right?" Eathan says innocently.

"Oh shut up! Of course i will! You're my best friend!" I laugh.

"Only friend." He corrects.

"Hey. Dont mock. Youre alone too." I laugh.

"Had that one coming, didnt I?" He says softly.

"Little bit." I laugh.

"So where to tonight?" He asks.

"I was thinking we could just go look for some bilgesnipe in the forest?" I say.

"Ooh! You picked a tough one tonight! Lets go kiddo!" Eathan says walking towards the forest. I follow directly begind him.

"Im not a kid! Im 57 years old and youre 63!" I whine. "Thats only 6 years and you and i both know thats nothing here on Asgard!"

"Yeah but it bugs you, so its fun to say!" He laughs. We reach the entrace to the woods and draw our weapons. Me, my sword, and Eathan, his bow.

"Oh shut up! Youre going to scare away any chance of us catching a bilgesnipe!" I hiss.

We walk further into the woods. By the time that we reach a good tree, the night is already almost over. I climb up to the top of the tree with my sword sheathed on my waist. Eathan follows closely behind me with his bow slung across his body and onto his back. We slide onto a sturdy branch about halfway up the tree and watch for a bilgesnipe.
We sit for what seems like forever in silence, hoping that a bilgesnipe will walk by so we can kill it and be able to acctually feed ourselves and our family for a few days. Finally we hear a rustling sound from a little ways away. We wait and watch for the source of the sound to emerge. It slpwly walks out of the bush and we see it. A bilgesnipe.

"Yes!" I whisper. Eathan drops down a small pebble that he had in his pocket. The bilgesnipe hears the noise and turns to it quickly. We wait. I unsheath my sword and hold it carefully in my hand. Suddenly the bilgesnipe charges at the tree.

"Time to go!" Eathan says. Once the bilgesnipe is almost at the tree i hop straight down. By the time i land the bilgsnipe is directly beneath me and i land perfectly on its back. I plunge my sword down into its gooey flesh. I jab in between the hard scaly plates on its back, trying to get to a peice of it that will actually hurt the creature. I stab my sword between one of the plates by the bilgesnipe's head and break off a scale. I point at it and Eathan sees the crack. He aims one of his poison tipped arrows at the spot. I move to the side slightly as the arrow whooshes by where my arm was and into the beast. The bilgesnipe lets out a loud roar that our whole town must have heard. I wait for the creature to fall. But it doesnt. Instead it continues to figt back against me. I stab the creature several more times and signal for Eathan to shoot it again. He gets my message and sends three poison tipped arrows into the beasts neck. The bilgesnipe slowly falls down to the ground. I hop off its back seconds before i am crushed by the ginormous creature.

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