Chapter Two: Sammi

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I sit on my cold hard bed in the same orphanage that i have spent the past 14 years of my life. All of my life I've been stuck here. Just sitting around. No one ever adopted me. Nobody wanted the girl who was just dumped on a doorstop. They want the girls who have backgrounds. And now that I'm fourteen theres almost no shot of me getting picked up. Im just stuck here until i turn eighteen in four more years. Then i can finally leave this hell hole. And these last four years wont be fun. I can still hear the mothers murmuring downstairs talking about my bomb that they found in my room.
Yeah right. Like id actually be building a bomb! Though my arc reactor is pretty damn close. If i messed up even one little thing, i could wipe out a few city blocks. Hmm... Ill keep that in my back pocket as a last ditch effort of getting out of here. Id have to build a mini bomb shelter though to keep myself alive and... Whatever. Too much work.
It has been at least a day since they found mu reactor! Why am i still stuck in my room? Why wont they just let me out! Im fucking hungry!
Just then i hear a creaking on the staircase as someone walks up towards me. I hear one of the mothers saying that I'm just in the room straight ahead. I hear a man saying something but i cant quite hear him. I think he just said thank you.
The footsteps draw closer. I reach under my mattress and pull out one of my screwdrivers. I hold it in my hand like a knife. I stand directly next to the door with my back against the wall. I am right beside the opening for the door. As soon as it opens, if it is someone here to take me away, i will just attack them with my screwdriver... Shitty idea... But its all I've got.
I take a deep breath in bracing myself. Suddenly there is the sound of a key jingling in the lock of the door. I hold up the screwdriver, ready to attack. The door opens slowly. I see the mans figure walking through the door. Now or never. I swing my arm down at the man. My hand is quickly pulled up and the screwdriver is knocked across the room. I struggle, trying to escape the mans grasp. I look up to see who he is and i immediately stop struggling.
I can tell who he is. He is my idol. From his neatly cut black hair, to his expensive looking suit, to the intricate way that his facial hair is shaped. The man in front if me is unmistakably Tony Stark.
"FUDGE!" Tony shouts.
"What?" I ask, confused at why he said fudge.
"I meant fuck. But apparently I'm not supposed to swear at kids." He replies.
"Do i look like a kid?" I ask.
"Do you really want me to answer that?" He laughs.
I give him a deadpanned look. "Whatever."
"Whatever? Is that all you have to say?" He asks. I stare at him.
"What do you want me to say? That I'm sorry? Because I'm not. And by the way, can you let me go?" I say.
"Can you not attack me with a screwdriver?" He laughs. He releases my hands. "I bet you're wondering what I'm doing here. Huh?"
"Its pretty damn obvious why you're here." I scoff.
"Mmhhmm." Tony says.
"You found out about the arc reactor i built and you're here to punish me in some way. First you'll take away my reactor ten you'll probably sue me for taking your design. Or something." I say softly.
"See you're a smart girl. I can see that much. But you aren't even close with that idea." Tony says.
"What do you mean? What are you here for then?" I ask.
"Im here for you." He says softly.
"What?" I ask.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out several pieces of paper. "Ive adopted you. Im taking you home with me to stark tower to live with em and Pepper. If thats okay with you."
"Holy shit. Im Tony Starks daughter now?!" I say. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course!" I throw my arms around him and hug him tightly.
"Oh. Okay. Wow. Alright." Tony laughs, surprised by my excitement.
"Thank you!" I say softly as i pull back from him.
"You're welcome." He says. "Oh. And i have one last surprise for you. Here. One second."
"What?" I exclaim.
"Lets see. You're tiny. You're probably a small" Tony mutters. "Alright here we go." He snaps his fingers and his suit comes crashing through the window and assembles around him. "Shit. I knew i was forgetting something... J.A.R.V.I.S. wire this orphanage the money for that window. And while you're at it order them some new paint. Bright colours please. This place is kind of dull."
"Whoah." I stare in awe at the suit. The craftsmanship and the materials are so high quality. Its beautiful.
"Brace yourself. Yours is coming in soon." Tony says.
"What?!" I exclaim. Suddenly i am hit by a piece of metal. I stabilize myself as the rest of the pieces of the suit assemble around me. The face mask attaches last. I see the view screen pop up in front of me. "Holy shit!"
"It fit good?" Tony asks.
"Yeah. Perfectly!" I exclaim. "How'd you have my size?"
"I was making some suits for pepper and i kept making them too small. This is one of the first ones. It seems like it fits you well. We'll make you a better one some time soon." He explains.
"Wow. This is... Wow." I sputter.
"Come on. Lets go home." Tony says. "Just tell J.A.R.V.I.S. To take you home. He'll do all of the hard work. I'll teach you how to pilate it manually some time."
"Take me home J.A.R.V.I.S.!" I laugh. The suit launches through the window with tony right behind me.
Once we are coasting somewhere above the ocean towards New York i call out to Tony over the com. "Thank you Mr. Stark." I say in awe.
"Please. Call me Dad." He says thoughtfully.
"Dad..." The word feels so foreign to me. Ive never had a Dad before. "Thank you."
"Its my pleasure, Sammi." Dad replies. "Thank YOU."
"What for?" I ask.
Tony pauses for a second then i hear his reply come over the com. "For making my family complete."

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