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Arron's POV

I opened my eyes to find Juliette sleeping soundly on my shoulder she looks so beautiful, i still can't believe how i managed to get engaged to her, that reminds me that we need to plan the wedding as well, but i won't put too much tension on her she being the leader of the Reinstatement she has a lot of work load. She begins to stir, "Hey Juliette, love, wake up we're here" i gently kiss her forehead, she wakes up,"YAWN" Juliette yawns, literally."call Delileau and tell him to call an meeting for all of the OMEGA Crew" she tells me as soon as we land, that tells me, commander Juliette is back,"Ok, but Juliette..." how do i bring up the wedding?,"yeah" she turns around to face me,"Never mind" i say" I'll call Delileau now".

Juliette's POV

I walk away, i know what Arron was going to say, he was going to bring up the wedding, but he's no because he cares about me and doesn't want me to be stressed. He is a good husband, sometimes i wonder how i managed to get him. "Madam, you called for me" Delileau wakes me from my daydreaming "Yes, i wanted you to join us in the meeting room and tell us what the big emergency is" i say"When do you want to have the meeting" he asks me"In 2 hours, i need to get ready" i say, he nods and walk off. I walk into my room and go straight into the shower.

HI guys, i want you to now ( remember the Selena Gomez song) that i was thinking about writing a bonus christmas chapter, but i wanna know what you guys feel. Leave comments

XOXO; Khushi :)

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