Jungkook~Sick, part 2

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-Kookie, wake up, you said, pecking him on the cheek.
He opened his eyes and looked around, lost.
-Where are we?
-We arrived at the stadium, you guys are doing sound check! you chuckled at his confused expression.
-Oh, right.
The van stopped and everyone stepped out. The guys headed for their dressing room and you went to sit in the audience. You were alone so you sat in the second row to have a good view of the boys.
They started going through the first song, the one that would open the show: I Need U. You understood the manager's irritation from earlier ; Jungkook really was slow. He kept doing the moves a second late and it messed up the group effect. He was usually so sharp, executing perfect moves and perfect timing, that it started to really worry you. You took a mental note to talk to him once the sound check was done.
They went through everything, adjusting the mic volume and earpieces in between each song. Jungkook needed no adjustments, as per usual. At least that was normal.
When the manager declared everything was set and that they could go back to the dressing room, you got up and headed back stage. You catched them just as they were exiting and called Jungkook.
-Yeah? he answered, turning around.
-Can we talk for a sec? you asked him.
He nodded in response and you led him somewhere quiet. He leaned against the wall, facing you.
-Are you feeling okay? You look really tired, you asked him softly.
-I know, I keep messing up everything, I'm sorry, he said, ashamed.
-No, no, that's not what I meant... Are you really okay? I'm worried about YOU, not your performance.
He looked you in the eye and you could see in his eyes that he was not okay. But he would never admit it. He would just keep denying that he needed rest and go through everything like a pro.
-You know you can tell me anything...
You stopped, noticing Jungkook had bent down, closing his eyes. He suddenly felt nauseous and dizzy. He put his hands on his knees and let out a deep breath.
-What's wrong? you panicked.
He stood up straight, his face pale.
-I'm just a little dizzy, that's all. But it'll pass, he breathed.
At this point, you were really worried. But you didn't want to make your boyfriend upset by forcing him to rest. Instead you cautionned him :
-If you feel like this again, don't be afraid to tell someone. I don't want anything happening to you.
He only smiled, afraid that if he talked another wave of nausea would come over him. He really didn't want to throw up in front of his favorite girl. He kissed your forehead and headed back to the dressing room. You decided to stick around for the rest of the night in case Jungkook needed you. Your evenings were always devoted to him anyways.
The show was going better than you expected. Jungkook had found some hidden energy and was dancing as well as he always did. It was only during the last song -Run- that you noticed sings of fatigue. His movements were sloppy and his voice was weaker than usual. He still managed to give it his best considering the situation.
The other members encouraged him by placing a hand on his shoulder when they passed by him. They all thought he was just a little beat up because of the manager's harsh words.
After the last song and the goodbyes, BTS exited the stage. As the lights went of, the members heard someone fall with a loud thud. You heard it too and it made your heart drop. Someone turned a few lights back on, only to discover Jungkook laying on the ground, unconcious. At that moment you felt guilty for not saying anything. You ran towards your boyfriend as the other members kneeled down beside him, shaking him gently.
-Kookie, wake up! C'mon, open your eyes, Jimin pleaded.
-Jungkook! What's wrong?? Taehyung questionned worriedly.
Your eyes filled with tears without you even noticing it.
-Let's get him out of here first, it's way too crowded, Namjoon ordered.
The leader slipped a hand beneath Jungkook's knees and another behind his shoulders before lifting him. Everyone followed as he carried him into the dressing room and laid him on the couch. You came closer and placed your hand on his forehead : he was pretty hot.
-Someone get some cold water and towels. We'll have to wait until he wakes up to give him some medicine, Jin ordered, taking control of the situation.
You fetched a pillow and placed it underneath his head so he would be more comfortable. As you lifted his head, you admired his angelic face once again. You gently moved wet strands of hair from his forehead.
Taehyung, who had been designated to bring cold water and towels, eventually appeared. He placed the bowl beside you and left the room. The members knew it was probably best not to crowd around Jungkook so he wouldn't be embarassed when he woke up. They left you alone with him while they went to monitor their performance. You took Jungkook's hand and laid your head on his arm. In that position, as uncomfortable as it was, you soon fell asleep.
Hey! Part 2! What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading <3

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