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The rest of the drive was quiet. Mastermind and Lusa were still fast asleep. Esper drove on and stopped at a gas station. It was still about an hour to arrive. Esper walked inside and bought a few snacks and drinks for tommarow. He then paid and walked out. He put the bags in the car and filled the gas tank. Esper yawned and opened the car door. He got in and turned it on again then started driving. It was decided they would stay at a hotel and go to the beach the next day. Turns out there was an amusment park right next to it. The hotel was close to it too so that was good.

-Hour of boring driving later-

The three arrived at the hotel. Esper parked the car and yawned. He opened the door for Mastermind and Lusa and woke them up. The both got out and grabbed their luggage. They walked with Esper into the hotel and checked in. Esper paid and got the room card. Then they walked into the elevator and went to the third floor. They got out and looked for their room. "Room 320" Esper said. Esper looked around at the signs and started walking. Lusa and Mastermind followed him till they reached the room. Esper swiped the card and opened the door. The three put their luggage near the beds and looked at each other. "...Im getting my own bed.. You two can sleep on the other" Lusa laughed. He layed on the bed and pulled the covers. "Well night" Lusa said. "Gotta get rest for tommarow" Lusa yawned and turned around. Esper looked at Mastermind nervously. "Ill sleep on the floor if you want..." Esper said. "It's fine... We'll share..." Mastermind blushed trying not to make eye contact. They both layed down and faced opposite sides. Esper pulled the covers over them. "Night" Esper said. "Goodnight" Mastermind replied. 'Hes so cute' Esper thought. 'I wonder if he would love me the way I love him'. He decided that he would talk to Mastermind tommarow.

-Timeskipz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ -

The alarm rang and Esper and Lusa woke up. Esper sat up and looked at Mastermind. "Wake up sleepyhead" he said and ruffled Masterminds hair. Lusa laughed and looked at Esper. "You like Mastermind huh?" He smirked. "Shutup" Esper sighed. Mastermind yawned and stretched. He looked beside him and saw Esper staring at him. Mastermind blushed slightly and got up. "Ok guys get ready so we can go" Esper said. Mastermind walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. He undressed himself and stepped in. Outside of the bathroom Lusa and Esper were sitting on the beds talking. "So... Do you like Mastermind?" Lusa asked. "Y-Yea..." Esper scratched his head. "Why dont you just tell him?" Lusa suggested. "I am... Today ill tell him... Im just scared what his response is gonna be". Esper sighed. "Alright well good luck" Lusa said. Esper layed on the bed waiting for Mastermind to finish showering. Mastermind turns off the shower and gets dressed. He puts on black shorts and walks out of the bathroom. He walks over to his luggage and picks out a sleeveless hoodie then puts it on. "Lusa can you put my hair in a ponytail" Mastermind asks. "Yea sure" Lusa replied. Esper layed with a pillow over his face sighing. "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". Lusa and Mastermind looked over at Esper confused. Esper threw the pillow at them. "I FUCKING LOVE MEMES!!!" He screamed at them. They sat there confused. "Ok..." Mastermind giggled. Esper sighed and waited for Lusa to finish Mastermind's ponytail. Right after Lusa finished he went to go take a shower. Then after him went Esper. Mastermind laid on the bed looking at the ceiling. Lusa looked at him smirking. "So... Do ya like Esper?" He asked. "What?? N-No..." Mastermind blushed slightly. "Yeah you do cmon admit it" Lusa teased. "S-Shutup will ya..." He sighed. Mastermind sat there with his face red. "Is it really... That obvious...?"he asked shyly. "Well duh." Lusa said bluntly. Mastermind curled up into a ball with the covers over him. Esper came out of the shower with just a towel over his lower body. Mastermind peeked through the covers but immediatly covered himself back. Lusa laughed quietly. "Whats so funny?" Esper asked while looking for his clothes. "Haha nothing" he smirked. Esper got out a pair of shorts and put them on. He decided to just not wear a shirt. "Alright guys you ready?" He exclaimed looking at Lusa and Mastermind? "Mastermind what are you doing?" He asked confused. "What" he said still under the covers. Esper pulled off the covers and looked at him. "Do you have a fever or something?" Esper asked feeling Masterminds forehead. "No I dont have a fever lets just go." He sighed trying to push Esper away. "Alright... Cmon lets get going." Esper grabbed the snacks and everything they needed. Then the three left to the beach
----------------------------------------------"I FUCKING LOVE MEMES" -Diabolic Esper 2015

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