The Beach!

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Tfw they dont know how to swim okay
--------------------------------------------As the three arrived they all ran toward the sand. Esper set up the towels and put an umbrella to shade them. Mastermind set up the food and Lusa got things to make sand castles. Mastermind sat down on the sand and started making a mini sand castle. Esper smiled as he looked at the scientist. He looked so happy just to be there. Lusa lightly punched Esper on the shoulder. Esper blushed and sat next to Mastermind. He started making his own little castle. "You two are so childish" Lusa laughed. "Shutup" Mastermind replied. The two finished up their creations while Lusa sat and ate a sandwhich. "Yours looks nice" Esper smiled. Mastermind looked at Esper's sand castle and said nothing. It was a pretty top tier castle. "Mine doesn't even compare to yours..." Mastermind sighed. Esper turned and gave him a hug. "It's just a sand castle dont get so worked up about it" Esper comforted him. Mastermind wanted to impress Esper but was sad that he couldn't. He blushed slightly while Esper hugged him. "Haha thanks..." He giggled. "Ayy would you two stop being so lovey-dovey im trying to eat a sandwhich can you not see that?" Lusa smirked. Esper let go and cursed at Lusa. Mastermind rolled his eyes and sighed. Mastermind and Esper grabbed some food and sat down. Lusa nudged Espers shoulder and looked towards Mastermind. "Im gonna go get a bag of chips ill be right back" Lusa winked at Esper as he ran towards a small shop. Mastermind ate his food happily while Esper sighed. "Uh... Mastermind?" Esper asked nervously. "Yeah?" Mastermind looked at Esper. "I gotta tell you something" Esper blushed. "You see... I've liked you for a while now... And I was thinking if you would... wanna go out with m-me...?" Espers face turned red as he looked away. "..." Mastermind had no expression. "Y-you.. Like me...?" He questioned. "Yes.." Esper said quietly. "O-of course..!" Mastermind was flustered. "I liked you too but... I thought you would reject me... I always felt like I wasnt good enough for you" Mastermind smiled. Esper hugged Mastermind and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you" Esper said happily. "I love you too..."  Mastermind blushed. Esper grabbed Masterminds hand and held it with his. Espers cold hands met with Masterminds warm ones. Mastermind smiled and laid his head on Espers shoulder. Feeling his bare skin just made him even more shy. Lusa came out of no where and sat next to them. "Hey whats this" Lusa questioned while pointing at them. "Hes mine now" Esper smirked. Esper fist bumped Lusa while Mastermind continued eating his sandwhich. Esper grabbed a chocolate from the snack bag and gave a piece to Mastermind. He quickly ate it and smiled. Esper ruffled the scientists hair making him blush.

"Hey stop that..."



"Aw cmon" Esper smirked tackling Mastermind to the floor.

"Get off! Im gonna get sand in my hair now see what you did"

"Why not just take a shower again when we get back to the hotel? I can go in there with ya" Esper winked.

"You are such a perv" Mastermind pushed Esper away.

"Alright" Esper laughed and sat back up. He helped Mastermind up and looked to see Lusa taking pictures. Lusa had apparently aqquired a new camera. "Did... you take pictures of us...?" Esper questioned. "Morelikefootage" Lusa laughed. Mastermind tried taking the camera away from Lusa but failed. "Hey where did you even get that camera?" Mastermind asked. "Dont worry about it" Lusa replied. "You better not do that again... ill send you through a portal to the end of everything." Esper smirked opening a small portal. "Ok ok calm down" Lusa backed away just a little bit. Esper closed the portal. Mastermind laid his head on Espers lap. "Wow he's clingy" Lusa pointed out. "Leave him alone hes cute." Esper pet Mastermind. "ShhhhHHh..." Mastermind blushed. He clinged to Esper's chest. "Looks like he really likes you" Lusa teased. Esper pet Mastermind and asked them where they wanted to go next. "How about we go to the movies?" Lusa suggested. "We could go see Star Wars". "Ok traitor lets go" Esper laughed. The three tracers got up and went back to the hotel to change clothes. After that they got in the car and drove to the movie. Lusa paid for the tickets and Mastermind paid for the snacks. They got popcorn and drinks and a few candys. The three walked to the theatre and suprisingly they were early. The previews were showing and there was about 10 minutes until the movie started. They sat at the back row so they could actually see the screen. Esper sat next to Mastermind of course while Lusa took the seat on the other side of Mastermind. Esper held Mastermind's hand and smiled. Lusa just ate popcorn looking at the two losers. The movie started and it seemed like Lusa was the one that was exited about it. The other two just watched it normally. "AW HELL YEAH" Lusa yelled in the middle of a battle scene. The crowd immediatly shushed him making Lusa slouch into his seat. "You are such an idiot" Mastermind whispered. "You're so stupid" Esper laughed quietly. Esper had an arm around Masterminds shoulder and they watched the rest of the movie.

-Tim skip to end of moovie-

It was about 5pm so there was still time to do things. Esper suggested going to a restaurant or buffet. "Lets go to a buffet!!!" Lusa exclaimed. Of course he'd say that. "Alright ill pay" Esper smiled. They got back into the car and drove off.
----------------------------------------------Wow im bad at updating
Tbh needa update my other storis L0L
Tbh I made a tumblr-
Its JustAnAdd
Wow useful information
Void Elsword is taking over my life.

----------------------------------------------Wow im bad at updatingTbh needa update my other storis L0LTbh I made a tumblr- Its JustAnAddOkWow useful information WewI WANNA DO A LEMON SOONMMMMMMMMMMMMVoid Elsword is taking over my life

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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