Chapter 33

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<Hayes' POV>

There is only 2 days until the first show. Nash and a few of the guys have agreed to come out and watch. I haven't heard much from Paige but I really miss her. I hope she makes it to the first show. I haven't forgotten about the plans I have with her for after the show. So if she shows up I plan on sticking to those plans. If not oh well. She's busy. I'm honestly so nervous! It's a fun dance but I've never danced with a dance instructor before but Emma is sweet and an amazing partner and easy to work with well sometimes actually most the time. Tonight I have intense rehearsal we are going to be practicing for 5 hours. I'm so nervous for Monday... I don't have to be at rehearsal for another 2 hours and Tez and I just got a house together so I'm gonna finish putting my room together. I still have a full boxes full of stuff I need to put away. I looked around the room and figured out where to put everything. I put my bed across the room away from the window. I put my desk under the window and my dresser on the other wall. I put all my clothes that I have with me away. I made the bed and I hung. A picture of Paige and I on my wall closest to my bed. Then just a picture of Paige on my desk. I did a few other things, ate a banana and drank some water, changed, then left for rehearsals. When I got there people were staring at me as I walked down the halls. I smiled and said hi. Carlos came up to me and we talked for a few minutes. He's such a chill guy and really funny and fun to hangout with. I got into where Emma was and there stood my mom, Nash, and Skylynn. Skylynn ran up to me and jumped up and i picked her up and hugged her. I wasn't that excited to see Nash cuz we live like 5 minutes from each other.

"Hi cutie! Oh my goodness look how big your getting!!!" I said to Skylynn then ran over to my mom. I put sky down and I hugged my mom and kissed her cheek. "Hi mom! How are you?" I said as I bro hugged Nash.

"I great I can't want to see you perform!"

"That's good and Yeahhhhhhh so nervous mom!"

"Hayes stop! You'll do great! I believe in you!"

"Thanks mom." I smiled and then went over to Emma.

"Hey Emma!" I said as I gave her a hug.

"Hey Hayes! Ready to begin?"

"Yes I am!" I smiled.

"Great! So you guys can sit over there on the couch!" Emma smiled at my family. My mom smiled back  and they went and sat down. We started practicing. A few times in. I grabbed Skylynn and we danced with her and messed around. Emma grabbed Nash and taught him so moves as well. Then I grabbed my mama's hand and pulled her up and taught her some moves. We gave them a tour of the studio and I did some homework while they hung out with with Emma. I finished my homework then come back and we dance for a few more hours. After rehearsals we all went back to my house I showered then we went to dinner. We got Chick-Fil-A. When we came home we watched a few movies played games and then went to sleep.

~Season Premiere Of DWTS~

Today is the big day I can't want to perform in front of everyone. I can't believe how far I have come in these past few months. I went from being some kid on drugs to this popular kid on vine and now I'm going to be on tv! So crazy! There are no words. Right now I am getting my hair and makeup done and just thinking about what's going to happen tonight. I've been going over the steps in my head constantly. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time I just want to get it over with. Emma and I did one last run through on the stage with all the props and extras. I was super confident in it! I've been checking my phone all morning to see if Paige has text or called me at all but so far nothing. I have gotten a bunch of texts from some of my friends saying "Good luck" "I'm proud of you bro" "you're going to do great!" "I love you!" Etc. I went and checked my phone one more time to see what's going on with the world aka on twitter. I followed fans back and tweeted some. After 15 minutes of scrolling I got a text from Paige.

The Most Beautiful Creation Ever😍: Babe I'm so sorry! I can't make it tonight! I wish I could but Troy my manager  said I can't leave the tour until next week! :(( I'm so so so sorry! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I'll see you next week! YOULL DO AMAZING I KNOW YOU WILL! I'll be watch over here in Pittsburgh watching on the tv! I'm so sorry!  I will do whatever you want for me to make it up to you! 😏😉😊😘😘

Me: it's ok don't worry! I love you!! ❤️

The Most Beautiful Creation Ever😍:
I love you too!❤️but I'm serious just let me know! 😏😘

Me: I will!

"ALL PERFORMS PLEASE COME TO THE STAGE ALL PERFORMERS TO THE STAGE!" I walked over to the stage and stood Emma. Once everyone was on the stage the manager of the show told us how everything was going to go down in the beginning. Then we all went back stage and hung out & went over dances. "30 MINUTES TIL SHOW TIME!"  We killed time by asking each other questions.  Carlos and I were getting to know each other. He's so chill I grew up watching him on Nick. He's so talented. Man I sound like 12 year old fan girl. Lol.
*show starts*
Music played and they said our names one by one and we all piled out on the dance floor. We went to commercial then we all filed out. It was mine and  Emma's turn. We walked out and got into position. The music started step by step we danced our hearts out. The dance ended and the judges told us their thoughts. We went up to the sky view thing and they gave us all their scores. We got three 7s. We were so pumped. I was extremely happy since me and my brothers all had #7 as our jersey numbers. And 7 is Paige's lucky number. During commercial break I went down and talk to my mom for a few seconds. As soon as I was down there and I saw my mom & I saw a familiar face. When it hit me I was so surprised. I ran over to her and hugged her than kissed her.

"Oh my gosh Paige! You said you couldn't make it! How are you here?"

"I'm good at acting!" She winked. I kissed her again and then ran back to where I was supposed to be. The show ended and I changed into my sweats and a tee shirt. I went out to where my family was and I hugged them all. I kissed Paige. I kept my arm around her.

"Hayes! Get your arm off of her! Your mine and she's mine but you guys can't have each other. Okay?" Skylynn said as she pulled me away from Paige. Paige and I laughed. I picked Sky up and Paige started tickling her. "STOP TICKLING ME!"

"Okay fine!" We laughed. I grabbed Paige's hand and held sky in my arm. I kissed sky's cheek then kissed Paige again.

"EWWW don't kiss that's nasty."

"Okay I'm sorry! So just to clarify you don't want us to do this?" I said as I leaned in and kissed Paige again.

"NO THATS GROSS!" Sky said as she covered her eyes.

"Okay I'm sorry!" We went back to the house I showered, we ate dinner and we watched a movie again. My mom and sky after the movie headed over to Nash's. They wanted to stay with him one more night before they go back to NC. Tez was out of town so it was just Paige and I for the next couple of days. We watched one more movie but upstairs in my room.  I kissed her one last time which turned into a make out session. But that was it. I fell asleep like 2 minutes after that. Gosh dancing is tiring!

Another update wow sorry it's been a while well love you guys! Have a fabulous day. ❤️ oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY #1 HOE! laylamendes1

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