Chapter 2 ~Masky And Hoodies Ghost (Marbel Hornets)

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I didn't draw the pic above and this chapter is just a short version of Marbel Hornets. Enjoy! :3

In a few months time Slenderman came across a child in a hospital. His name is Timothy and he stalked him enough to make people think he's imaging things.

Toby minded his own business and did pay much attention to Slendermans stalkings as if he didn't mind him doing so.

Slender didn't kidnap Timothy but he taunted this child until he was fully grown. Slender wanted him to be his new room mate and he thought he grew older he wouldn't be as scared of him from his understanding with Toby. He still doesn't understand about human behaviour but he's learning but very slowly.

He decided to leave Timothy be for a while but still watching over him. Then another man court his eye. His name was Bryan and he has met Timothy by acting out in a movie for a guy named Alex. Alex noticed the Slenderman and wanted to find him his self and get rid of him. So he decided to taunt Alex next of his list of victims. In a few days time another teen was find out about Slenders secrets by Alexs tapes he has been recording his every move and finding short footage of the Slenderman.

So Slender speeds up the past and goes for Bryan next. Bryan seemed to like the taunting idea and so he dressed up in an orange hoodie with a black mask with red eyes and a frowned mouth with black gloves and brown boots. He was known to be called Hoodie. As for the teen who was finding clues to the Slenderman he noticed about Timothy from the movie they were making together with Bryan and he started snooping around taping his every move like Alex. Slender went back to taunt Timothy again once he was finding out about his little snooper with the camera always in his face and every night Timothy would dress up in an orange jacket like Hoodies hoody and wore a white mask with black lips and long jeans and brown boots then sneaks out in the night not knowing that he's doing these things as he loses his memory. He was then known to be called Masky.

Slender soon follows his little snooper and soon kills him with Timothy not wanting him to leave rhe house but Hoodie set him free. Timothy soon finds out and blames Hoodie and chases after him while teleporting through different areas with Timothy still chasing him until Hoodie fell from an abandoned building by slipping off the edge near the stair well then died... Timothy was about to remove the mask until he saw Slendy and mad a run for it. He soon finds Alex with a gun. Tiomthy runs and hides as they keep teleporting until Timothy kills him and was the only one who survived.

Then he finds out that Bryan was Hoodie and forgives him by his actions and blamed Slenderman for it. But Slender didn't give up on Timothy. In such a long time he fort and he felt anger for what he did to Bryan and he will never forgive him but his personality soon changed to Masky and his mind was erased along with his memories and took a liking to Slendy as he took over his mind and thoughts and became his new room mate with the spirit of Hoodie following after him.

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