Chapter 10

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Maddie'a POV

I'm sitting down stairs flipping through channels on the TV, when I come across the movie Cyberbully with Emily Osment. I decided to watch it.

It was the scene where Emily's character Taylor Hillreg ( A/N- can't spell that last name!! ) tried committing suicied because she was being bullied.

Chloe came into my mind then. What if Chloe tried committing suicied?! "No. No. No. No." I whispered to myself

I wouldn't let that happened. So I grabbed my phone and called Paige. Maybe she can help me with this.

Paige's POV

I'm sitting at my homework desk in my room, when my phone starts to ring. The contact Mad Dog lights up my screen.

I smile and answer the call. "Hey hey!" I say

"Hey Paige. Do you think you can come over? I know it's Thursday, and a school night, but maybe you can sleepover. We go to the same school and we've done it before." Maddie rants on and on and on...

"Maddie. Maddie. MADDIE! Of course I'll come sleepover. I'll be there in 30 minutes." I tell her

"Thank you." I hear her say before I hang up.

Man, I wonder what she needs me for...

Maddie's POV

Thank goodness Paige can stay the night. Now she can help me with Chloe. I DON'T want Chloe to kill herself SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! And we'll Paige too but you get my point.

A knock at the door causes me out of my thoughts and running to answer it.

I open the door and sure enough it's Paige with a bag full if clothes and stuff she needs for school tomorrow.

"Hey Maddi-!" Paige starts to say, but doesn't get to finish because I'm dragging her up the stairs.

We enter my room, and I close and lock the door. "Chloe is cutting herself!" I tell her

"What?" She asks

"Chloe. She's been cutting her wrists. I've seen it. It's because everyone at school is bullying her." I say

Paige just stands there for awhile. Blank look on her face, but fear, and sadness clear in her eyes. I know she's thinking what I've been thinking. What if Chloe tries to kill herself?

"We need to do something then." Paige suddenly whispers

"Ya. That's why I called you over. But what do we do?" I ask

"I don't know. Why don't we look for any other signs."

"Like what?" I ask

"Cutting herself in different places, starving herself, trying to kill herself." Paige mumbles

"Ok." I said

We talked some more then Decided to go to bed.

We had a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

Chloe's POV

Kill yourself. Kill yourself. Kill yourself.

Such a simple thing to do.

I already had a bottle of pills ready.

All I have to do is wait until I really can't handle life anymore.

Any day now. Any day and I'll be dead.

I can't wait.

Of course I'll miss my mom, Paige, Maddie, my team, my family, everyone that loves and cares for me.

But it won't matter.

They will heal.

I wont.


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