Do You Already Know? [COMPLETED!]

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Lightning flashed, casting the Year 6 boys dormitory in a sudden yellow light. Sedan squeaked, but his voice was soon overpowered by the roaring thunder, echoing through the school's corridor.

"What a storm, eh?" Azriel muttered, sitting up on his bed. His jet-black hair was tousled, but other than that, he looked perfectly awake.

"Yeap. Agnes is back," I chimed in, squinting at my fellow dorm mates. There were only 6 of us- Azriel, the slightly weird new kid who wasn't scared of anything; Sedan, the kid who was scared of everything, the twins, Damian and Darian, who could sleep through everything; Keller, who was... Keller; and me. Thayne.

"The last time Agnes was here, do you know what happened?" Azriel asked solemnly, his black eyes wide.

Sedan and I, the only ones who were still awake, shook our heads.

"Bloody Mary," he whispered.

Sedan dove under the covers, plugging his fingers into his ears, but I merely frowned.

"What, that stupid chant where girls scare themselves silly?"

Azriel nodded slowly, studying me.

"Ah, come one Azriel! Don't tell me you believe in stuff like that? I thought you were a gentleman! Gentlemen don't believe in the supernatural!"

"Don't you believe in ghosts, Thayne?"

I shook my head.

"But pray, don't let my lack of beliefs stop you from telling me what happened the last time Agnes paid a visit. Do tell, Azriel!"

Azriel took a deep breath, and even in the darkness, I could see that his eyes were flashing.

"Years ago, in the year 1922, Agnes struck a little village just a few miles away from here. The family had a little girl, who was frightened of the sounds the wind and thunder was making. And so, this little girl went to her parents room, where she woke up her daddy. The conversation she had with her daddy went like this:

"Do you want to tell me about the dream you had, honey?"

"No, Daddy."

The mother stirred, but didn't wake up.

"Why not, honey?" 

"Because in my dream, when I told you about my dream, the thing wearing mummy's skin woke up.""

I stared at Azriel, the lightning casting eerie shadows on his face.

"So what's with Bloody Mary?" I asked, the hairs on my neck standing up.

"The girl's name was Mary."

"So why Bloody?"

"The 'thing' wearing mummy's skin woke up," Azriel answered seriously.

I raised my eyebrows as another clap of thunder echoed across the room. Under the sheets, Sedan had stopped trembling- he was probably asleep.

"Right," I muttered, faking a yawn. "I'm going to sleep. Good night, Azriel," I whispered, as I pulled the covers over me, the storm rattling the windows.


"Thayne, wake up."

I immediately sprang up on my bed. The entire dormitory was bathed in an eerie, creepy silence. The room was also pitch dark- the storm must have tided itself over. I squinted my eyes, making out Azriel's silhouette standing in front of my bed.

"What do you want?"

"Toilet. Accompany me?"

I rubbed my eyes, trying to peer at Azriel's usual pale face. "What?"

"Please!" he whispered, begging.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled the thick covers away from my body and got of bed. The moment my feet touched the floor, I shuddered- it was cold. Too cold. Muttering, I slipped into my fluffy slippers and followed Azriel down the corridor, where the arches in the corridor allowed me to catch a glimpse of the school grounds. Not that I could see anything, though. There was no moon in sight, and all I could make out were the puddles on the grass. A sudden wind blew and I shivered, pulling my robes around me closer. Somewhere far away, I could hear a lone owl beckoning me.

"Could you please just hurry up with your business, Azriel?"

Azriel didn't answer, but I caught a glimpse of his side profile- he had a strange smile on his face.

We had reached the toilet. I faced the mirrors blankly, with the old, ancient sinks standing underneath them. In my fingers, I played with my lucky coin, twirling and tossing it around. After a few minutes, Azriel joined me at the sinks to wash his hands.

"You've never woken me up in the middle of the night, Azriel," I said accusingly.

Azriel grinned back at my reflection, part of his face covered in shadow. 

"See, you shouldn't be telling ghost stories, it doesn't- woops," I muttered, as the coin slipped from my fingers and rolled onto the floor. Sighing, I knelt down, fumbling blindly for the coin. "Like I said, ghost stories are just made up..." I inhaled a sudden breath, my mind suddenly goin blank. "Stuff..." I whispered, my words trailing away. For from my new position, I could see- or rather didn't see Azriel's... feet.

My blood turned cold  and I could feel the palpitations of my heart. For a few seconds, I just stared there, at the spot where Azriel's feet was supposed to be.

Azriel- or whoever I was with- didn't have feet. He was floating, the ends of his dressing gown hovering a good few inches from the ground, moving slightly, although the air was still.

"Listen, Azriel," I began, my voice strangled as I hurriedly tried to stand up. "I've got to go, I've class tomorrow," I said, my feet already backing away from him. Azriel didn't look at me, but continued to gaze at his reflection. Panicky, I tried to hurry my pace, my hands behind me, brushing the cool tiles of the bathroom wall. Almost near the door, I could make-

"Do you really have class, Thayne, or... do you already know?" he whispered, slowly turning his face towards me.

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