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Read the a/n at the end. Important!!


"Riley I—"

"I need time but that's something I have a limited supply of. So enjoy your girlfriend, enjoy your life. Without me in it."

She tried walking away but i grabbed her wrist and kissed her without a care in the world. after a brief moment of hesitation she kisses me back. It was nothing like our first kiss back in seventh grade. Not at all. Now there's passion and love.


I have my princess. That all that matters. We end up back at her apartment laughing about random memories. Many stay untouched and I respect that. But one at the back of my mind found its way to my lips.

"I remember maybe a summer or two ago we went to the boardwalk. You saw a claw Machine and spent $40 bucks on this stuffed bear. Finally you got it and then It got stuck. You begged me to kick the machine until it fell. You kissed my cheek, said 'thanks. Now I have what I want. Let's go.' We hadn't even been there an hour and you wanted to leave. I saw the child in you longer than I ever had." I say with a laugh. Realizing what I said was something I 'forgot.'

Before I could speak I was pulled into a heated kiss. Not that I minded. Someway somehow we ended up in her room. Not a thought ran threw my head. Not a thought ran threw hers.
As things progressed I realized I love this girl, but I'm still dating her best friend.



Ok yes. I suck. I never update. Yes they 'do it'. But there is no way in hell I will write that. I had to have this happen for a few reasons. The last few chapters and the sequel. So yeah. Short chapter because I didn't remember what I was going to write. So yeah. I'll have a lot of time to update in the next two update so. This story WILL be over by 2016. The sequel will be out early January.

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