Surely, it's time

395 49 8

Well, well,

seems none can be compelled

to tell the truth,

to cupellate precious metal, separate from murky lead;

although propelled into 'I swear to...'

blushing gospel's soon negated by the lack of simple faith

and fear of Hell;

patently, one cannot be expelled

from good ol' no-tie-only-collar-wearing boy's-club,

regardless of the seriousness of mess -

there's no redress;

despite one's odious misdemeanours those 'weaknesses'

continue to be inflicted on defenseless 

and suffering parishes.

And if communicant is unrepentant,

conscienceless as gleeful, gorging, gulping pelican 

and should he be thickly pellicled

and particularly 


he sends instead his victims 

to the seven hell subsistence of the schisty-twisty menda-

vicious Ellis Defence;

forces obeisance on the shattered,

to genu-kowtow-flect-accept an insulting

"Towards Healing" settlement;

for it's clearly calculated

much like misspelled fabrications -

what a repellent communication must be meant –

that is that bearing borderline 

false witness

should be viewed as jurisprudence,

a prurient, pus-filled and nasty expedience;

for the miscreants are favoured, flattered,

patted on their asses,

on their imposter-Paternoster- most unSaviour-like

and likely, hung out heads;

whilst those who've been grossly assaulted

are pooh-pooh-shooingly informed that

with whisking hands they are to forthwith go


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