Chapter 7

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It’s the 8th of august and I’m in the back of a dress store, getting fitted once more for my birthday dresses. And yes, it’s meant to be dresses. There are 3 dresses for the evening, one when I arrive, one when the first performance starts and once by the end of the night.

Even though my mother is here, running around with dresses, Harry is also here. He volunteered to come with me today and when I asked him why, he said “Could be fun?”

Yeah Harry was probably the only guy who thought it could be fun watching his girlfriend get dressed in different dresses for hours. Oh well, I didn’t mind.

Right now, I was trying on a pink arrival dress and Harry was sitting in an armchair, looking at me.

Elena: What do you think?

Harry: It looks good, it’s pink.

Elena: Like all other dresses they picked out for me.

Harry: Yeah…

He looked around then stood up and got a devilish smile on his lips.

Elena: What?

Harry: Well why don’t you try on some other dresses?

Elena: Because they aren’t mine?

Harry: can’t do any harm.

He winked at me and took a black short dress from the stand and gave it to me.

Elena: Really?

Harry: Trust me!

Elena: okay!

I laughed and went into the dressing room and changed to the black dress and when I looked in the mirror, it looked right and it felt really good actually. I walked out of the changing room and Harry was looking down on his phone.

Elena: What do you think?

He looked up and smiled, a huge grin all over his face and he stood up and walked over to me.

Harry: You look very sexy.

Elena: So I can wear this tonight?

Harry: Well aslong as you’re coming home with me.

I bit my lip then leaned down the podium I was standing on and kissed him on the lips then walked back into the dressing room, Harry was talking to me from the outside.

Harry: So I talked to Niall.

Elena: Okay?

Harry: yeah he said that you invited him and the lads for tonight.

I looked out the dressing room at Harry.

Elena: Yes, was that wrong?

Harry smiled and shook his head.

Harry: No I’m glad you did and so are they.

Elena: So they are coming?

Harry: Who can say no to Miss Elena?

Mother: Elena for god sake, we don’t have time for you two chit chatting!

I looked at Harry and rolled my eyes.

Elena: Apparently, my mother can.

Harry: Yeah, I have to go and fix your present; will you be fine here with her?

Elena: Haha yes I’m used to her, you go. Don’t be late tonight though…

Harry: Wouldn’t dream of it.

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