Chapter 38

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Harry’s POV.

I went out of Liam’s house and got straight back into my car. It’s freezing outside and the picture of tha girl outside of my house is stuck in my memory, I feel so bad for her.

When I got back to my house, I packed down a couple of shirts and my toiletries and put them in the trunk of the car, and then I started the 3 hour drive to Holmes Chapel down the M1 and M6 road. Since it was so close to New Year’s, it was no surprise that the roads were filled with people, damn I was one of them!

When I, 3 hours and 40 something minutes later drive up on my mother’s street, I see that there’s a car in the spot where I usually park the car so instead of driving up the driveway, I park the car out on the street.

I hurry over to the door and think if I should knock or not, but then I remember the last time I knocked on the door and my mom practically threw the door in my face. Well actually she did close the door on me… so I don’t knock, I just walk inside.

I stand in the hallway and take off my boots and jacket then walk into the livingroom where I see Robin in the armchair with a beer in his hand.

Harry: What’s the occasion?

Rob: Trying to block out that.

He says and points over to the kitchen. I see my mom and then someone else, someone I know, Ronnie. I can’t help but get a giddy feeling in my stomach as I walk into the kitchen and puts up a finger to my mouth to tell my mom to be quiet as I wrap my arms around the girl in the kitchen.

She starts screaming in surprise and when I put her back down, she hits me on the chest multiple times.

Ronnie: YOU ARSE!

She keeps laughing and I can’t help but laugh along.

Harry: You asked for it. What’s going on in here?

I said and looked over to the kitchen island. There were tons of cookies and candy things on it.

Mom: We’re making snacks.

Ronnie: Yeah your mom has taken it upon herself to teach me to bake.

Harry: Mom you’re wasting your time.

Ronnie: OH shut up!

She hits me again and I laugh.

Mom: Is Elena here too?

Elena. The mention of her name makes my heart skip a beat. I do love that girl, more than life itself but she drives me crazy doing the things she does.

Ronnie: Oh yes I wanted to meet her, I’ve heard so much about her!

Harry: what did you hear? Super rich kid with nothing but fake friends?

Mom: Harry!

I sigh and walk over to the fridge and take a beer, my mom gives me an angry glance and I put it back and grab a coke instead. I walk back into the livingroom and sits down with Rob; I look over to the TV and laugh.

Harry: That’s such a shit show.

Rob: I’m not going to argue that but it’s the only thing on this god damned TV at the moment.

It’s that program “cheaters” and I can’t help but think that it’s all according to a script.

Rob: So where’s Elena?

Harry: Home. I don’t want to talk about it.

I said and put the coke down on the table then walked outside to the car and grabbed my bags. As I was standing out there, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Ronnie.

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