Part 1 of my life

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  I was born, a little boy named Ashton. I was always confused on well, everything. The first thing I am confused on is my, gender. (Yes you may know I already figured it out but that's not the point.) But when I didn't know about my gender yet, I also liked boys, a lot more than girls. Actually I didn't like them AT ALL. I only dated them because it was "cool". Well soon I figured out I was, gay. Shocker!!! Yes I myself am gay.
  I first figured out I was gay when i watched Star Wars. I had the HUGEST crush on Anakin. As I thought it was weird that I did, my parents did to. (My parents are actually one of the most supportive people in my life, I love them.) Little did I know my mom already knew I was going to be gay, idk how that happens but we'll go with it. I had a crush also on hans solo, but I was sure that that one was a phase because it was before my major crushing on Anakin.) Yes I watched the Star Wars movies not in order, but you can't blame me.
  Ok so if your wondering what genderfluidity is, look it up on google. I came out to some of my online friends about, 3 weeks ago?? (Maybe a month) But my feelings always switched between a girl, a boy, neither, or both! It made no sense growing up but I just dealt with it.
  I was the awkward kid at my school. I messed up a lot. But guess who that stopped? Me?? No. I once stood up in front of my class just to say the word 'reindeer'. Yes I am weird, and that's one of my difficulties. Sometimes I even question my weirdness too, I'm just really weird.

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