p r o l o g u e

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"Come on Jo," the boy taunted, "I know you're up there."



He's at the bottom of the stairs. C'mon Jo, get up! Josette thought to herself.

"God I never realised how annoying the sound of these stairs were, but hey, I guess it kinda adds to the tension, right, sis? Makes the whole situation seem more 'horror-movie-like'."

The hallway was dark. Jo could hardly see a thing. And the fact she had a rusty, old kitchen knife stuck in her spleen didn't help either.



What the hell is that thumping noise? He has something... but what?

"Now I don't know about you, sis, but lately I've been feeling really edgy, y'know? Like, something's been itching at me and I don't know what it is." His voice was getting louder. Clearer. I guess this is good, in a way, for Jo. Regaining consciousness and hearing means she's not dead yet. Yet. The bad thing is he's close and too close for Jo to run, not that she'd be able to do a very good job at that any way. She needs a diversion... and quick.



"Ah, this is great. I feel like Michael Myers or something," he chuckles. He's laughing? Is murdering our family some kind of joke or something? Kai's gone insane, she thought.

"You know how the scene goes, right? The killer sneaks up to the girl and kills her with one swift stab in the stomach and leaves her there to die a slow and painful death," he says in a sarcastic matter, "too bad I got you in the spleen." He was getting closer, too close. Jo had to come up with something, and that's when she thought of it

"Invisique," she muttered quietly. That's when she came face to face with her brother. There he was, completely calm, walking up the stairs nonchalantly. His old clothes were covered in what Jo can only guess was a mixture of her four siblings blood and maybe a little bit of Kai's too. Both of his feet stood firmly at the top of the hallway. Kai's eyes glanced past the spot Jo was laying, clutching the knife in one hand and her wound in the other. As Kai was turning to skulk down the corridor in hopes of finding his injured twin, Jo noticed the object Kai was carrying, or should I say dragging along the floor. A bat. Joey's favourite baseball bat, covered in Joey's blood. The thought of her much younger sibling lying dead on the cold, unwelcoming floor brought a painful tear to her eye. Jo mustered up the last of her strength and began to crawl to the top of the staircase so that she could make a B-line straight to the front door.

"Y'know Jo, I always admired you," Kai spoke aloud, knowing Jo could hear him, "how you could always flutter your eyelashes at mom or dad and they would melt like butter at your fingertips. You really are an amazing witch too, or should I say were?" Kai's sinister laugh echoes in the corridor, Jo can just about hear him from the bottom of the stairs. "Do you want to know what my favourite spell to watch you do is?" Jo is at the front door when she hears the silence, and then she hears him say it. "Cloaking spells." Jo immediately turns her head to see her brother standing at the top of the staircase, staring at her dead in the eye.


"You always lose focus and the damn spell never lasts five minutes."

It took Jo all she had to sprint out of the house and into the large, open-spaced garden. She quickly scanned the area looking for the hollow tree stump that had been there since they were kids. There it was, on the other side of the garden. It felt like Jo was running ten times faster than the speed her feet could carry her. The adrenalin was for sure kicking in. She could hear the rustling of Kai's feet chasing after her in the distance. If this bastard wants my magic, he's going to have to damn well find it first, she thought to herself.

Jo did it. She sucked every ounce of magic she had left in her, and transferred it into the cold, steel butcher knife but not without healing herself first. This process, though, was not a peaceful one. It was excruciating. It felt like every bone in her body was breaking at least fifty times repetitively and it took everything in her not to scream out in pain. When she reached the tree stump, she dumped the knife inside and covered the evidence with damp leaves off the ground. Her breathing was raw and heavy.

"You didn't honestly think I'd let you get away that easily Jo, did you?" Kai had a smirk playing on his lips. He harshly grabbed Jo's wrist and closed his eyes, expecting her to fall to her knees in agonizing pain and feel her magic oozing through his veins.

But he felt nothing.

"Where is it Jo? WHERE'S YOU'RE MAGIC?" To say Kai was furious was an understatement.

"I hid it." She responded calmly.

"What do you mean you 'hid it'? Hid it where?"

"Somewhere safe, and far away from you" Kai stepped back from Jo and ran his fingers through his hair in shock and anger.



"I said leave! Leave Portland and never come back here, do you hear me, Josette?" Kai screamed at her. He was now inches away from his sister's face and was looking at her with hurt and betrayal in his eyes, while all she saw was the monster who murdered her family. "Or so help me God, I will finish what I started."

And with that, Jo ran. She had no idea where she was going but anywhere sounded better than home. Kai kicked the tree stump in defeat.

"C'MON!" He cried out.

Kai stormed back to the house knowing now that all he could do was go back and get rid of the bodies of his dead siblings and figure out what the hell he was going to do with his life as a powerless witch, not realising that the power he so desperately seeks was only a few feet away.

Yay! That's pretty much my first update guys! let me know what you guys think and if i should continue. After this chapter, my story will properly start. I just wanted you guys to have an idea of how the whole thing happened and let you know what happened to Jo. I don't plan on having her or anyone else from Mystic Falls in this story as it is an AU but you never know, I might change my mind :)

Don't forget to comment and vote! I'll be back v soon hopefully with chapter one!

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