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"What the hell are you doing here?" Claudia stated, annoyance laced in her voice.

"I told you earlier, I go to school now silly," Kai replied with a beaming grin but Claudia knew what he was doing. He was trying to aggravate her, and he was succeeding. Trying to hide how intimidated she felt, Claudia stared at the boy in front of her, folding her arms and waiting on a more serious reply from him.

"Oh, you mean like here, here? In detention? Sorry, I'm nervous, you're like really pretty." Kai stated, with the usual sarcastic tone that Claudia loathed. Is he completely incapable of speaking to someone without being a giant ass, she thought. His face then hardened, annoyed that Claudia was ruining the 'fun' they were having. "Well, apparently you're not meant to miss your first day of school," those words made Claudia think about the whole mishap in the forest yesterday afternoon with Kai, "God, why did I ever think it was a good idea to come here? All these stupid, hormonal teenagers, people constantly shouting and putting you down," he chuckles, "It's like living with my family all over again."

Both turn their heads towards the door as the sound of footsteps are heard.

"Miss Stanford," you've got to be fucking kidding me, "I do hope you are able to use those brain cells you seem to have to find a seat, which shouldn't be that difficult seeing as it is only you and Mr Parker here," Mrs Smithson, the delightful Biology teacher, announced walking through the door.

"Yes Miss," Claudia retorted through gritted teeth. Claudia plopped herself down on a seat and dropped her bag on the desk. She heard sniffles and laughter coming from behind her; clearly Kai found amusement in her being pissed off. She turned behind her and shot Kai a glare while he just threw his hands up in defence as a reaction. However she's not a very intimidating person because as soon as Claudia turned back around to get her homework out, Kai began to laugh quietly at her again.


So I think an hour has past now, I'm not sure; the clock on the wall is pretty slow. I finished all my work, like, 20 minutes ago and now I'm just sitting here staring into space. I can tell Kai's getting pretty irritated too. I mean all I can hear is the buzzing sound the lights make and Kai freaking shuffling in his seat every 5 minutes. And Mrs Smithson's just sitting at the desk doing a stupid crossword puzzle or something.

"What's a 15 letter word for 'an old tongue twister Eddie turned top 40'?" asked Mrs Smithson, "number 27 across, I've been stuck on this for ages."

"You know, there's this great thing called the internet." Oh shit. I didn't even realise I had said what I was thinking out loud until I heard Kai laughing, once again, behind me. This made me cautiously look up at the woman seated in front of me who, having heard what I accidently said did not look too pleased. "Sorry," I mumbled and slid further down my seat, staring at my knees.

"Yellow Ledbetter."

He was smirking; I could literally feel it burning into the back of my neck... if that was even possible. Both Miss and I turned our heads to look at Kai and there he was, just sitting there doing that annoying smirk that he does.

"What?" I asked in pure amazement.

"Yellow Ledbetter, that's the answer. Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam." He just sat there, looking so smug, leaning back in his chair, "great band too." Every inch of me is itching slap that sickening smirk off of his face. I have never hated someone so much in my life and never in such a short period; but Kai Parker takes first prize.

"Oh well, would you look at that. 'Tall, dark and mysterious' is right." Mrs Smithson interjected.

Before I could turn away from Kai in frustration, he gave me a wink, which made me roll me eyes in disgust. Ugh, God did I mention I hate him.


Another 20 minutes or so had past and after the brief encounter I had with Kai, where he made me look like a complete idiot, I couldn't wait to get home and lie in my bed. Whilst I was in the middle of thinking what to watch when I got home I could hear Kai talking to himself but I couldn't quite make out what he was saying. It sounded like it was in another language but it was nothing I had heard before; plus, I had no idea Kai would even be the kind of person to know another language.

As Kai got increasingly louder I could see that Mrs Smithson was becoming irritated and her skin was fading into a reddish colour.

"Hey, are you okay there, Miss?" I asked while slowly rising up out of my seat, "You don't look too good," as I began to step closer to the desk, I was able to understand what Kai was saying, or rather chanting...

"Phasmatos navaro pulsus sanguinox"

Then out of nowhere, Mrs Smithson had a sort of black liquid spurting out of her mouth which landed on her desk in a thick pool.

"Oh my God, Kai! What the hell's happening to her?" I shouted, both panic and fear taking over me. Just as I was about to run over to her in efforts to help, she burst into flames! Like actual fire! I turned around to face Kai to see what he was doing only to see him chanting those same words over and over.

"Kai, what are you doing? She's in flames! Help me!" but he didn't listen, he continued chanting with his eyes closed and head rolled back. I scavenged around the room for a fire extinguisher and luckily I was able to spot one by the door. I quickly grabbed it off the wall and, ignoring my instinct; I pointed it at Kai and pulled on the handle. Kai was immediately covered in white foam which thankfully knocked him out of his trance. I dropped the extinguisher and turned around to see if my idea fell through; and it did, because as soon as Kai stopped his chanting, Mrs Smithson was no longer burning.

"How is this even happening?" I whispered to Kai whilst turning around, with one hand running through my hair. When our eyes met, Kai gave me a devilish grin and hit me on the head with the used fire extinguisher. I fell to the ground, hitting my head on a desk on the way to the floor. Then following that, all I remember was that everything was silent and my mind was black...

Oh my god look who finally updated. I know this chapters v short but I was doing work all day so I'm tired lmao. I hope you guys had a great Christmas and New Years and all that. Thanks so much to everyone that comments and votes on this story even though its complete trash, it really helps me write and makes me want to update.

Okay just to clarify something, in this story, Kai can siphon another witch's magic but killing people helps him become stronger and causes his magic to last a little longer. Which is why he kills quite a few people, that and he also enjoys it. Just thought I'd clear that up but it will be mentioned in upcoming chapters.

Don't forget to comment and vote, you guys and let me know what you think!!

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