RoWen-Cooking :)

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Hey Wizards! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter! If you haven't guessed, this chapter is on RoWen!! I find these two so adorable but I'm not sure if I'll be good at writing this, please give me supportive feedback on this chapter!



Romeo's POV. Wendy and Romeo are both 15 in this

I threw the snow ball at Natsu's face and he dodged, sadly. But do you wanna know the worst part?

When he dodged, it hit Erza's cake. She turned around, she looked at me and stood up slowly.

    "Kid, you might wanna run," Natsu laughed. My eye's widened and I ran through the snow to the guild. I threw open the door

    "HELP I ACCIDENTALLY THREW A SNOWBALL AT ERZA!! AND IT RUINED HER CAKE!!" The guild looked at me sadly, Mira was crying, something about 'Rowen never becoming cannon,' my Dad just looked at me sadly. I fell on all fours, "Goodbye brief life,"  I whispered.

"Romeo, why are you on the floor?" a kind voice asked, I turned,

"Wendy save me! I killed Erza's cake by accident!" I wailed, Wendy's eyes widened

"I know how to save you!" She cheered,

*****Time skip*****

I stared at Wendy, "Are you serious!!! I'll die by blowing myself up!" I whined, Wendy laughed at my childishness,

"You only need to bake a cake, and we'll ask someone to help yo-" Wendy suddenly cut herself short, remembering when Juvia had tried to bake a cake. She shuddered, "You know what? I think I'll help you,"

Wendy and I then headed up to Mira and asked to borrow the kitchen (Actually Wendy did, I just stood there looking awkward), after a few promises of not blowing up the kitchen, she agreed. Wendy cheered and grabbed my hand, I flushed as Mira smirked. Wendy didn't seem to notice and dragged me to the kitchen tucked away behind the Bar.

Wendy's POV

Inwardly I was screaming at Mira, just because I grabbed his hand doesn't mean I l-like him or anything! And if I did, I doubt he likes me, there are plenty of other nicer, prettier and kinder girls. I dragged Romeo to the kitchen and threw a yellow apron at his head.

    He laughed lightly and put it on. I then proceeded to hunt around the kitchen for the ingredients.

"Love potion, no, but I'm gonna hide that from Juvia. Rotten eggs, ew. Plates, not yet," I thought, I then saw another cupboard, "It's probably in there," I thought. I climbed on to the worktop and opened the cupboard, "Found the ingredients Rome-ahh" I yelled, I found myself falling and closed my eyes waiting for the impact.

But it never came.

Instead I found myself lying on Romeos back facing the ceiling. I turned my head towards Romeo's and smiled warmly,

"Thankyou," I blushed and rolled off of him and watched as he pushed himself up. He really had matured since when we were 12. His muscles were well defined and he wore a similar jacket to when he did back then but now it went up to his waist and had a hood, he had black jeans on, he'd taken off his scarf to cook. I realised I was staring and quickly looked away.

Mira's POV

Oh my Mavis. It's happening. The most adorable litlle ship is finally happening! RoWen! I grinned, "Hey Mac-" I was cut short by a voice,

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