Chapter 8: Important decisions

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A/N: I was going to update tomorrow but I decided to update it today instead.

Chapter 8

Important decisions

Ersena: 11

Alfred, Kiku, and Ludwig: 15

Arthur and Feliciano:16

Elizaveta: 17

Roderick: 19

Arthur had been glaring at the floor of the wagon ever since they left the old inn. He refused to give them any recognition even when the beta, who he learned was named Kiku, tried to give him some food. He could go days without it so it wasn't a problem. Unfortunately Kiku wouldn't leave him alone about it.

"You really should eat. I know it's not the refined food that you are used to but it doesn't taste that bad. Besides, it's not good too let yourself go hungry." He said trying to get the omega to eat.

Arthur just looked away, his pride refusing to let him give in. Kiku sighed in frustration. What would it take to get the stubborn omega to eat?

"Need help?" Asked the Hungarian who was the only one not tied up.

Feliciano kept freaking out and Arthur was to valuable to their mission to risk him escaping. Elizaveta on the other hand was always able to untie herself and after the fith time of her doing it they decided to let her free as long as she didn't try to escape. She promised and told them that she wouldn't leave her two closest friends behind.

"I would really appreciate it, thank you." He said with a look of deep appreciation.

"Don't worry about it. I'm used to dealing with his stubborn side." She said taking the food from him.

"Alright Artie time to eat~."

Arthur moved his head to the side.

"C'mon Artie, even Feli was willing to eat it."

Arthur still refused to give in.

"Alright, looks like I'm doing this the hard way." She said.

Before anyone had a chance to react Elizaveta took the cloth from his mouth and stuffed in a piece of bread. At first he began to coff before chewing and swallowing it.

"What the bloody hell woman! Are you trying to kill me?!" Arthur shouted.
"It's your fault for refusing to eat." She said with a hand on her hip.

"So what?! That's no excuse for almost killing me!" He exclaimed.

"I didn't almost kill you."

"What would you have done if I chocked to death?!"

"That's a good question." She said putting a finger to her chin in thought.

"You didn't even know what to do?!" Arthur exclaimed indignantly.

"Nope. So I suggest you eat it before I do it again." She said holding a piece of cheese to his mouth.

"I refuse to be fed like a child."

"To bad. We can't have you escaping now can we?" Came a voice from the front.

"Then I don't eat." Arthur said to the annoyingly loud voice.

Alfred came in with an irritated look on his face. "You're going to eat. We can't have you dying of starvation."

"Then untie me. It's not like I can escape."

Alfred contemplated this. He and Kiku were blocking the only escape rout and Elizaveta wouldn't try anything since Feliciano was with Ludwig.

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